字词 | 旋转 |
释义 | 旋转 xuán zhuǎn revolve; gyrate; rotate; spin; revolution; revolvement; rotation; circumgyration; circulation: 逆时针方向旋转 counterclockwise rotation; 地球围绕太阳旋转。 The earth revolves round the sun. 陀螺在旋转。 The top is spinning. 旋转安全 spin safe; 旋转耙 rotary harrow; 旋转泵 rotary pump; 旋转臂 {航空} whirling arm; 旋转变换 {晶} rotation transformation; 旋转变流器 rotating converter; 旋转变频器 rotary frequency convertors; 旋转变压器 rotary transformer; magslip; resolver; 旋转波 {物} rotation wave; 旋转波束 {电} rotary beam; 旋转波束无线电信标台 revolving beam station; 旋转薄层 rotary thin layer; 旋转不变性 rotational invariance; 旋转不良 malrotation; 旋转采样开关 rotary sampling switch; 旋转餐厅 revolving restaurant; 旋转测度器 gyrograph; 旋转测云器 spindle nephoscope; 旋转铲 rotary spading machine; 旋转潮流 rotary current; 旋转成型法 rotoforming; 旋转冲击铲垢器 rotary impact chipper; 旋转冲击式钻机 rotary percussive drill; 旋转冲浪 spinner; 旋转锄 soil miller; rotary hoe; 旋转窗 pivoted window; 旋转锤锻机 {机} rotary swager; 旋转磁场 rotating magnetic field; circular field; 旋转磁场交流发电机 revolving field alternator; 旋转磁场励磁机 rotating-field exciter; 旋转磁场式仪表 rotating-field instrument; 旋转磁偶极子 rotating magnetic dipole; 旋转磁强计 sipping magneto-meter; 旋转磁头 rotating head; 旋转粗糙法 rotary roughening; 旋转锉 rotary file; 旋转弹气动力特性 spin stabilized projectile aerodynamic characteristics; 旋转等离子体 rotating plasma; 旋转滴汞电极 rotated dropping mercury electrode; 旋转点 point of rotation; 旋转电场 rotating electric field; 旋转电弧焊 rotating arc welding; 旋转电机 {电工} electric rotating machinery; rotating machine; 旋转电容器 rotary capacitor; 旋转电极 rotation electrode; 旋转电枢交流发电机 revolving armature alternator; 旋转电枢式同步电动机 inside-out motor; 旋转电位计 rotating potentiometer; 旋转吊车 rotatory (rotary) crane; 旋转吊杆起重机 rotary boom crane; 旋转动力泵 turbopump; 旋转动作 {体} spinner; revolving part; 旋转度 {工} swing; 旋转断层 rotary fault; 旋转锻造 swaging; rotary forging; 旋转对称 rotational symmetry; 旋转发动机 {机} rotary engine; 旋转阀 rotary valve; 旋转反射器 rotoflector; 旋转反映轴 rotation-reflection axis; 旋转方向 direction of rotation; 旋转放大机 rotary amplifiers; 旋转分量 rotational component; 旋转分配器 rotary distributor; 旋转风暴 {气} revolving storm; 旋转风速表 rotation anemometer; 旋转伏特计 rotary voltmeter; 旋转副翼 spinneron; 旋转干燥器 rotary dryer; 旋转杆 swingle; 旋转感觉 {心} rotation sense; 旋转高跳 {芭蕾舞} tour jete; 旋转隔离器 rotational isolator; 旋转耕耘机 rotary plow; 旋转工具 throw; 旋转工作台 rotary table; 旋转鼓式燥器 rotary drum dryer; 旋转关节 rotary joint; 旋转虎钳 swivel vise; 旋转戽斗式脱水机 rotoscoop; 旋转函数法 rotation function method; 旋转烘筒 rotary drier; 旋转滑块曲柄机构 revolving slider crank mechanism; 旋转环形天线 rotating loop; (单驱)旋转换流机 motor-converter; 旋转活塞发动机 rotary piston engine; 旋转火花放电器 rotary spark-gap; 旋转火花隙 {电工} rotary gap; rotary spark gap; 旋转火墙式燃烧器 rotary wall flame burner; 旋转机 whirler; 旋转机构 {工} slewing mechanism; traversing mechanism; 旋转机翼 rotor blade; 旋转计算器 rotary calculator; 旋转加热炉 {机} rotary furnace; 旋转间断 rotational discontinuity; 旋转剪床 {机} circle shear; 旋转剪切机 rotary cutter; 旋转角 angle of rotation; 旋转接头 {设计} {机} swivel joint; swivel coupling; coaxial rotary joint; coaxial rotating joint; 旋转节 swivel; 旋转晶体法 rotating crystal method; 旋转晶体衍射图 rotating-crystal pattern; 旋转开关 {电工} rotary switch; 旋转可变电容器 rotary variable capacitor; 旋转控制 Rototrol; rotating control; 旋转控制机 rotatrol; 旋转快门 rotating shutter; 旋转犁 one-way plough; rotary plough; 旋转理论 spin theory; 旋转力矩 turning moment; moment of rotation; axial torque; 旋转力矩测量器 torquemeter; 旋转量度 rotation measure; 旋转量子数 rotational quantum number; 旋转疗法 {医} rotation therapy; 旋转流量计 rotometer; 旋转孪晶 rotation twin; 旋转螺线管 {电磁} rotary solenoid; 旋转帽 turncap; 旋转门 {建} revolution door; 旋转密封 rotatory sealing; 旋转面 surface of revolution; rotative surface; 旋转模拟器 rotating simulators; 旋转模头 rotating die head; 旋转模型 rotating model; 旋转磨砖机 rattler; 旋转摩擦 spin friction; 旋转木马 swing; 旋转能级系列 rotational family; 旋转粘度计 rotational viscometer; 旋转盘 rotating disk; 旋转抛物面 {数} paraboloid of revolution; 旋转喷射桩 churning pile; 旋转偏转线圈 rotary deflecting coil; 旋转漂流 spin drift; 旋转频率 speed; 旋转平面磨床 rotary surface grinder; 旋转起重机 rotary crane; 旋转器 rotator; flip-flap; flip-flop; 旋转桥 pivot bridge; 旋转清雪机 snow caster; 旋转球 apinning ball (乒乓); 旋转热管 rotating heat pipe; 旋转熔接 {工} spin welding; 旋转三棱镜 axicon; 旋转伞 rotating parachute; 旋转失速 rotating stall; 旋转扫路机 rotary sweeper; 旋转扫描法 rotating scanner method; 旋转扫描器 {讯} rotating scanner; 旋转筛 rotary screen; 旋转筛选机 rotary screen; 旋转射束 rotating beam; 旋转伸臂起重机 revolving boom crane; 旋转生理影响 rotation physiological effect; 旋转矢量 rotating vector; 旋转数 rotation number; 旋转双曲面 hyperboloid of revolution; 旋转伺服马达 rotary servomotor; 旋转碎土器 rototiller; 旋转缩分器 spinning riffler; 旋转锁栓 turn bolt; 旋转锁心 revolving plug; 旋转塔式起重机 rotary tower crane; 旋转体 rotating body; rotating object; 旋转天线 rotable antenna; rotary antenna; 旋转天线测向器 rotating antenna direction finder; 旋转天线位置指示刻度盘 antenna repeat dial; 旋转天线系统 rotary antenna system; 旋转调节率 rotation regulation; 旋转调谐 rotary tuning; 旋转同步机 rotating synchro; 旋转头 {机} swivel head; 旋转椭球体 rotational ellipsoid; 旋转挖土机 dipperstick; 旋转碗碟架 dumbwaiter; 旋转稳定导弹 spin-stabilized missile; 旋转稳定火箭 rotation stabilized rocket; spin-stabilized rocket; 旋转无线电信标 rotation radio beacon; 旋转舞台 revolving stage; 旋转雾化器 {机} rotary atomizer; 旋转斜盘 wobbler; 旋转选线器 rotary switch; 旋转压气机 {机} rotary compressor; 旋转压缩器 rotary compressor; 旋转阳极X射线管 rotating anode X-ray tube; 旋转窑 rotary kiln; 旋转叶片式流量计 rotary bucket-type flowmeter; 旋转异构体 rotational isomer; rotamer; 旋转阴极 rotating cathode; 旋转隐斜视 periphoria; 旋转硬化热处理 spinhard heat treatment; 旋转诱饵 spinner; 旋转运动 orbiting; 旋转栅门 turnstile; 旋转照相机 {固物} rotation (rotary) camera; 旋转遮光板 rotating sector; 旋转振动 whirling vibration; 旋转蒸发器 rotary evaporator; 旋转支架 turning rest; 旋转支腿 swing leg; 旋转知觉 rotation perception; 旋转执行器 rotary actuator; 旋转中心 pivot; 旋转轴承 swivel bearing; 旋转主轴 live spindle; 旋转铸塑 rotational casting; 旋转装置 whirligig; swiveling mechanism; 旋转钻进 rotary drilling; 旋转钻探 rotary boring |
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