

 (刚出现的或刚经验到的) new; fresh; novel; up-to-date:
  最新(式)的 up to the minute;
  新风尚 new custom (practice);
  新朋友 a new friend; a recent acquaintance;
  新技术 new (up-to-date) technique;
  新社会 the new society;
  最新消息 the latest news
 (没有用过的) unused; new:
  新衣服 new clothes;
  拿出一根新绳子 take out an unused rope;
  当一件东西被用过后, 就不再是新的了。 When a thing has been used, it is no longer new.
  这架照相机是新的还是旧的? Is this camera new or secondhand?
 (结婚不久的) recently married:
  新人 newlywed
 (新近; 刚) newly; freshly; recently:
  新建的工厂 a newly built factory;
  新上油漆的门 a freshly-painted door;
  他是新来的。 He's a new arrival.
 (使变成新的) make new; renew:
  改过自新 reform oneself; correct one's errors and make a fresh start;
  悔过自新 repent and start anew;
  面目一新 take on an entirely new look;
  一新耳目 present a new appearance
 (新的人或事物) new:
  推陈出新 weed through the old to bring forth the new;
  喜新厌旧 love the new and loathe the old; be fickle in affection
 (新疆) short for the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
 (姓氏) a surname:
  新明 Xin Ming
 (前缀) ne-; neo-:
  新达尔文主义 Neo-Darwinism




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