

 (对打; 争斗) fight; tussle:
  拳斗 fist fight; fisticuffs;
  械斗 fight with weapons between groups of people
 (斗争) struggle against; denounce:
  斗恶霸地主 struggle against despotic landlords; settle scores with despotic landlords;
  战天斗地 struggle (fight) against the heavens and earth; struggle against nature
 (使动物斗) make animals fight (as a game):
  斗牛 bullfight;
  斗蛐蛐 cricketfight
 (比赛争胜) contest with; contend with:
  狐狸再狡猾也斗不过好猎手。 The craftiest fox can't escape the skilled hunter.
  我斗不过你。 I'm not your match.
 (接合; 拼合; 往一块儿凑) fit together; be patched up:
  斗榫 fit the tenon into the mortise; devetail;
  大家斗一斗情况。 Let's pool our information and size up the situation.
  这件小袄儿是用各色花布斗起来的。 This small coat was patched up with pieces of cloth of different colours.
 (量粮食的器具) dou, a measure for grain
 (形状像斗的东西) an object shaped like a cup or dipper:
  漏斗 funnel;
  烟斗 (tobacco) pipe
 (圆形的指纹) whorl (of a fingerprint)
 (二十八宿之一) Dou, one of the lunar mansions
  {天} (北斗星的简称) the Big Dipper:
  斗柄 the handle of the Dipper
 (姓氏) a surname:
  斗盖 Dou Gai
 (容量单位) dou, a unit of dry measure for grain (=1 decalitre)




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