

 (字) character; script; writing:
  甲骨文 inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells;
  钟鼎文 inscriptions on ancient bronze objects;
  《说文解字》 An Analytical Dictionary of Characters
 (文字) language:
  汉文 Chinese;
  英文 the English language
 (文章) literary composition; writing:
  作文 composition;
  散文 prose;
  韵文 verse; literary composition in rhyme;
  情文并茂 excellent in both content and language
 (文言) literary language:
  半文半白 half literary and half vernacular
 (指社会发展到较高阶段表现出来的状态) civilization; culture
 (旧指礼仪) formal ritual:
  虚文 a mere formality;
  繁文缛节 unnecessary and overelaborate formalities; red tape
 (自然界的某些现象) certain natural phenomena:
  水文 hydrology;
  天文 astronomy
 (姓氏) a surname:
  文天祥 Wen Tianxiang
 (古时称在身上、脸上刺画花纹或字) tattoo:
  文了双颊 have a design tattooed on one's cheeks
 (掩饰) cover up; paint over:
  文过 conceal faults
 (非军事的) civil; civilian:
  文官 civil official
 (柔和; 不猛烈) gentle; elegant; refined; cultured:
  斯文 refined; gentle
  一文钱 one cash;
  一文不名 penniless;
  一文不值 not worth a farthing




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