

 (快乐) happy; glad; joyful; cheerful:
  欢乐 happy and gay
 (喜欢) enjoy; be glad to; love; find pleasure in:
  乐善好施 love to do philanthropic work;
  乐此不疲 enjoy doing sth. without stop; never be bored with sth.
  (口)(笑) laugh; be amused:
  逗得直乐 laugh with amusement;
  你乐什么呀? What are you laughing at?; What's the joke?
 (愉快; 满足) pleasure; enjoyment:
  享乐 enjoy life;
  作乐 amuse oneself
 (姓氏) a surname:
  乐义 Le Yi
 (乐意) gladly; happily; willingly:
  非我所乐闻 not what I would like to hear
 另见 yuè。
 2) 乐(樂)
 (音乐) music:
  交响乐 symphony; symphonic music;
  器(声)乐 instrumental (vocal) music;
  室内乐 chamber music;
  奏乐 play music
 (姓氏) a surname:
  乐毅 Yue Yi
 另见 lè。




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