

字词 收回
释义 收回
 shōu huí
 (取回) take back; call in; recover; retrieve; regain; recall; resume:
  收回礼物 resume one's gift;
  收回自己的话 take back one's words;
  收回主权 regain sovereignty;
  收回贷款 call in a loan; call loan; recall loans; recover loans;
  收回旧欠 collect outstanding accounts;
  (把破烂的钞票)收回停用 retire (worn or torn dollar bills) from use
 (撤销) withdraw; countermand; retract:
  收回建议 withdraw a proposal;
  他们坚持要收回那些话并公开道歉。 They insisted upon a withdrawal of the statement and a public apology.
 收回成本 cost-recovering;
 收回股份基金 stock redemption fund;
 收回坏账收益 income from recoveries of bad debts;
 收回投资 recouping the capital outlay;
 收回优先股票准备 reserve for redemption of preferred stock;
 收回资本 capital recovery




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