

 (做; 弄; 干) do:
  搞调查研究 do some investigation and study;
  搞好了吗? Is it done?
  你脸上怎么搞的? What have you done to your face?
  同时我们要搞好交通运输工作。 Meanwhile we must do a good job in transport and communications.
 (进行; 开展) carry on:
  搞计划生育 carry on family planning;
  搞运动 carry on a movement (campaign)
 (从事) be engaged in; be in; go in for:
  搞科学研究工作 be engaged in scientific research;
  搞阴谋诡计的人注定要失败。 Those who go in for intrigues and conspiracy are doomed to failure.
  他的父母要他去搞商业。 His parents wanted him to go into business.
  他是搞建筑的。 He's in building.
  这个农场农牧业都搞。 This farm engages in animal-breeding and agriculture.
 (拟定) draw up; work out:
  搞个计划 draw up a plan;
  蓝图搞好了吗? Have the blueprints been worked out?
 (生产) produce:
  我们搞一点核武器完全是为了自卫。 It is purely for self-defence that we have produced some nuclear weapons.
 (玩弄) play:
  搞花样 play tricks
 (开办; 建设; 创立) set up; start; run; organize:
  我们打算在这里搞个发电站。 We're thinking of putting up a power station here.
  1958年, 我们搞了人民公社。 In 1958 we organized ourselves into a commune.
  这个村搞了两个工厂。 This village runs two factories.
  这家工厂是在1980年由一些家庭妇女搞起来的。 This factory was started around 1980 by housewives.
 (挣; 做) make:
  别搞那么多菜了。 Don't make so many dishes.
  这些人只想搞钱。 These people are just interested in making money.
 (设法得到) get; get hold of; secure:
  你能给我搞一张票吗? Will you get me a ticket (a ticket for me)?
  我将尽力为你搞到这个职位。 I shall use my best endeavours to secure you the position.
  我想搞到两张音乐会的票。 I'd like to get hold of two tickets for the concert.
  咱们先给他们搞点东西吃。 Let's first get them something to eat.
 (后面接补语) produce a certain effect or result; cause to become:
  把问题搞清楚 get a clear understanding of the question;
  老师常常把我和另外一个同姓的男孩搞混了。 The teacher often mixed me up with another boy of the same family name.
  他们把这个世界组织搞得乌七八糟。 They made a mess of this world organization.




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