

字词 提高
释义 提高
 tí gāo
 raise; heighten; enhance; increase; improve; raising; lifting, up-grading; enhancement; hoist(ing):
  提高工作效率 raise working efficiency;
  提高经济效益 increase economic efficiency; improvement of economic results;
  提高人民生活水准 raise the living standards of the people;
  提高为农村服务的自觉性 enhance the consciousness to serve the countryside;
  提高政治觉悟 heighten one's political consciousness;
  提高业务水准 heighten one's vocational level; improve one's professional skill;
  提高分析问题和解决问题的能力 heighten one's ability of analysing and solving problems
 提高标价 markup;
 提高财贸工作水准 improving standards in financial and commercial work;
 提高产品质量 improve the quality of products;
 提高贷款利息 marking up loans;
 提高单位面积产量 increase the yield (production) per unit area; raise the per unit yield;
 提高等级 upgrade;
 提高地位 promote;
 提高反差 intensify;
 提高功率 increase of power;
 提高货币价值 raise the value of money;
 提高煤质 upgrade;
 提高粘性 tackify;
 提高票面价值 increase the par value;
 提高品位 {采矿} upgrade;
 提高认识 deepen the understanding;
 提高商品档次 improve commodity quality;
 提高生产资金利用效果 production funds put to a better;
 提高水位 flood;
 提高贴现率 increase in the discount rate;
 提高投资效益 increase investment returns;
 提高土壤肥力 increasing of soil fertility;
 提高效率 potentiation; get on the stick; get on with it;
 提高账面值 write up;
 提高职工素质 improve the quality of the labour force;
 提高质量 improve the quality




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