

 (垂手拿着) carry (in one's hand with the arm down)另见 tí。
 (垂手拿着) carry (in one's hand with the arm down):
  左手提着灯笼 carry a lantern by one's left hand;
  他提着箱子走了进去。 He went in carrying his suitcase.
 (由下往上移) lift; raise; promote:
  提不动 cannot lift it;
  提嗓子 raise one's voice;
  被提为大副 be promoted to the rank of first mate;
  从井里提水 draw water from a well
 (把预定的期限往前挪) advance; shift to an earlier time; move up a date:
  假期提前了。 The date of the holiday has been advanced.
 (指出或举出) bring up; put forward:
  提个建议 put forward a suggestion;
  提出此事供考虑 bring the matter up for consideration;
  提出问题供讨论 raise a question for discussion
 (提取) extract; draw (take) out:
  提净 refine;
  提炼 extract and purify; refine; abstract;
  从矿石提取金属 abstract metal from ore
 (带关押的犯人) bring; deliver:
  提质 bring out a prisoner and cross-examine in court;
  把犯人全部提出受审 deliver a gaol (jail)
 (谈起) mention; refer to; bring up:
  又提到这一点 refer to this point again;
  别再提那件事了。 Don't bring that up again.
  他提到她了吗? Did he mention her?
 (舀油或酒的器具) dipper:
  油提 oil dipper;
  酒提 wine dipper
 (汉字的笔画, 即挑) rising stroke (in Chinese characters)
 (姓氏) a surname:
  提弥明 Ti Miming
 另见 dī。




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