

字词 接触
释义 接触
 jiē chù
 (交往) come into contact with; get in touch with:
  保持接触 maintain contact;
  接触语言环境 give sb. more exposure to the language environment;
  代表团接触了各界人士。 The delegation met with people from all walks of life.
 (冲突) engage:
  与敌人接触 engage the enemy;
  双方武装力量脱离接触 disengage the armed forces of the two sides
 (挨上; 碰着) contact; touch:
  接触不良 loose contact; poor contact; bad contact;
  接触许多新思想 come into contact with many new ideas
 接触爆炸 contact explosions;
 接触比 {设计} contact gear ratio; contact ratio; engagement factor; ratio of contact;
 接触变形椭圆 elliptical area of contact;
 接触变性(质) contact metamorphism;
 接触变质带 {地} aureole; aura;
 接触变质岩 contactolite; contact metamorphic rock;
 接触变质作用 contact metamorphism;
 接触表面 contact surface;
 接触测角器 contact goniometer;
 接触测井 contact logging;
 接触测微器观察法 contact micrometer method;
 接触衬套 contact bush;
 接触层压 contact laminating;
 接触插孔 pin jack;
 接触成型 contact moulding;
 接触成型树脂 contact-pressure resin; contact resin;
 接触冲刷 contact scour;
 接触重整 contact reforming;
 接触传感器 contact pickup; contact pick-off;
 接触传染 {医} contagion; contact infection; contagious infection;
 接触传染性 contagiousness;
 接触传染者 contagionist;
 接触次序 contact series;
 接触催化 contact catalysis;
 接触催化剂 contact catalyst;
 接触带 contact zones;
 接触带菌者 contact carrier;
 接触单位 contacting element;
 接触导线 contact wire;
 接触点 adherent point (集的); junction point;
 接触电 contact electricity;
 接触电动势 contact eletromotive force;
 接触电极 contact electrode;
 接触电流 pick-up current;
 接触电势(位) contact potential;
 接触电位差 {电子} contact electromotive force; contact potential; volta effect; contact potential difference;
 接触电线 {电} trolley wire;
 接触电压 contact voltage; contact drop;
 接触电阻 contact resistance;
 接触电阻计 contact resistance meter;
 接触电阻均衡器 contact resistance equalizer;
 接触毒 contact poison;
 接触毒性 contact toxicity;
 接触读出模件 contact sense module;
 接触端点 contact terminal;
 接触段 contact-segment;
 接触断开时间 contact parting time;
 接触断裂 contact failure;
 接触断路器 contact breaker;
 接触对插拔力 contact engaging and separating force;
 接触发送 contact sending;
 接触法 {化} contact process;
 接触反应 haptoreaction;
 接触反应器 contact reactor;
 接触腐蚀 contact corrosion;
 接触感官 contiguous sense;
 接触感受器 proximoceptor; contact receptor;
 接触构造 contact structure;
 接触故障 {电} contact fault;
 接触灌浆 surface grouting;
 接触过滤 contact filtration;
 接触轨制 conductor rail system;
 接触焊 contact welding;
 接触焊接设备 contact welding equipment;
 接触弧 contact arc;
 接触簧片 contact spring;
 接触簧片组件 contact spring assembly; contact spring pileup;
 接触剂 contact agent;
 接触间断 contact discontinuity;
 接触检测 {工声} contact inspection;
 接触检疫证 touched bill;
 接触焦化 contact coking;
 接触交代(作用) contact metasomatism;
 接触交换 contact exchange;
 接触角 {化} angle of contact; contact angle; engage angle; wrapping angle;
 接触次序 contact series;
 接触截面 contacting section;
 接触结构 contact structures;
 接触精馏 contact rectification;
 接触镜片 haptic lens;
 接触开关 contact switch;
 接触恐怖 haphephobia; aphephobia;
 接触孔 contact hole;
 接触控制器 {电工} contactor controller;
 接触冷凝器 contact condenser;
 接触力 contact force;
 接触连续性 contact continuity;
 接触炉{化} contact furnace;
 接触率 contact rate;
 接触孪晶 contact twin;
 接触轮询 {计} contact polling;
 接触毛皮恐怖 doraphobia;
 接触密封 contact seal;
 接触面 {流} contact surface; surface in contact; surface of contact; contact area;
 接触面阻尼 interface damping;
 接触模拟器 conalog; contact analog;
 接触粘合法 contact cement;
 接触耦合 contact coupling;
 接触排出 contact depletion;
 接触盘 contact disc;
 接触膨大 (现象) thigmomorphosis;
 接触疲劳 contact fatigue;
 接触片 contact chip; contact piece;
 接触器{电工} contactor; electric contactor; contactor switch; contactor unit;
 接触热阻 thermal contact resistance;
 接触容量 contact capacity;
 接触扫雷器 contact minesweeping gears;
 接触杀虫剂 contact insecticide;
 接触晒印片 contacts;
 接触渗滤 contact percolation;
 接触渗透交代作用 contact-infiltration metasomatism;
 接触时间 contact time;
 接触试验 contact test;
 接触势垒 contact barrier; contact-potential barrier;
 接触刷 wiper;
 接触水底植物 haptobenthos;
 接触塔 contact column; contact tower;
 接触体 contact;
 接触体密度 contact density;
 接触调压器 contact voltage regulator;
 接触透镜 contact lens;
 接触图 {电} hookup;
 接触脱硫(法) contact desulfuriation;
 接触脱色(法) contact decolorization;
 接触网 contact networks;
 接触网板 {刷} halftone contact screen;
 接触温度计 contact thermometer;
 接触问题 contact problems;
 接触物 contactant;
 接触物质 contact material;
 接触系数 contact coefficient;
 接触压降 contact drop;
 接触压力 kiss pressure;
 接触岩 tactite;
 接触眼镜 contact lenses;
 接触抑制 contact inhibition;
 接触印刷 contact print;
 接触印像纸 Velox;
 接触应力 contact stress;
 接触欲 contrectation;
 接触元件 pick-off; sennor; contact element;
 接触再蒸馏 contact rerun;
 接触噪声 contact noise;
 接触蒸馏 contact distillation;
 接触整流 contact rectification;
 接触整流机 kontaktum former;
 接触整流器 contact rectifier;
 接触指导 contact guidance;
 接触装置 contact device;
 接触作用 contact action;
 接触座 contact base; contact socket




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