

 (试图发现) try to find out; explore; sound:
  探路 explore the way;
  勘探石油 explore (prospect) for oil;
  试探他人的意图 sound sb. out on (about) a question; feel sb.'s pulse
 (看望) call on; visit; see:
  探病号 visit a sick person
 (向前伸出) stretch forward; stick out:
  探出头去 pop out one's head; stick one's head out; poke one's head;
  行车时探身窗外是危险的。 It is dangerous to lean out of the window while the bus is in motion.
  (方) (过问) inquire; bother about:
  爱探闲事 take an interest in other people's business; like to poke one's nose into other people's affairs
 (做侦察工作的人) detective; scout; spy:
  密探 secret agent; spy;
  侦探 detective; spy




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