

字词 排队
释义 排队
 pái duì
 (顺次排列成行) form a line; line up; queue up:
  排队等候 stand in a queue; queue up for...; wait in (on) line;
  排队等候进餐的行列 chow line;
  排队等票 line up to wait for the sale of tickets;
  排队买票 line up for tickets
 (归类排列) classify; list:
  把问题按轻重缓急分类排队 arrange the problems in order of importance and urgency
 排队程序 queuing routine;
 排队存取 queued access;
 排队存取法 queued access methods;
 排队存取方式 queued access method;
 排队分析 queuing analysis;
 排队管理程序 queue manager;
 排队规则 queuing discipline;
 排队过程 queuing process;
 排队缓冲器 queuing buffer;
 排队寄存器 queue register;
 排队控制 queue control;
 排队控制块 queue control block;
 排队论 queuing theory; waiting line theory;
 排队模型 queuing model;
 排队期望人数 expected number in the queue;
 排队器 queue equipment;
 排队请求 queue request;
 排队顺序存取法 queued sequential access method;
 排队通信存取法 queued telecommunication access method;
 排队文件 queue file;
 排队问题 queuing problem;
 排队研究 queuing study;
 排队溢出 queue overflow




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