

字词 排版
释义 排版
 pái bǎn
 {刷} set type; compose type; composing; type setting:
  打字机排版 typewriter composition;
  机器排版 machine composition;
  计算机排版输出 computer-output typesetting;
  照相排版 photocomposition;
  那本书已在排版,很快就可以印出来。 The book will soon be published, the type is being set up now.
 排版编辑 slot man;
 排版车间 composing room;
 排版工 maker-up;
 排版工人 compositor; typesetter;
 排版花饰 {刷} flower;
 排版尺 {刷} composing rule;
 排版架 bank;
 排版设备 type-setting equipment;
 排版语音设备 phonetic recognition device




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