

字词 主题
释义 主题
 zhǔ tí
 theme; subject; topical (key) subject; motif:
  诗的主题 the subject of a poem;
  作品的主题思想 the theme of a literary work;
  你的发言稍微偏离了我们讨论会的主题。 Your talk is a little aside from the subject of our disussion.
  这部小说的主题之一是爱国主义。 One of the major themes of the novel is patriotism.
 主题标引 subject in dexing;
 主题处理 treatment of a theme (音乐);
 主题词 subject terms (word);
 主题词表 thesaurus;
 主题地图 thematic map;
 主题发展 development of a theme;
 主题法 derivative (subject) indexing;
 主题分析 subject analysis;
 主题歌{电影} theme song;
 主题句 proposition; topic sentence;
 主题卡片 subject card;
 主题理解测验 thematic apperception test;
 主题模式 the matic mould;
 主题目录 subject catalog;
 主题索引 subject index;
 主题提示 thematic prompt;
 主题统觉测验 {心理} thematic apperception test (TAT);
 主题演讲 key-note speech;
 主题游乐园 theme park;
 主题制图 thematic mapping




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