

字词 振动
释义 振动
 zhèn dòng
 vibrate; vibration; vibrance; vibrancy; vibra; vibes; shaking; rumble; jitter; chatter; sway; jar; seesaw; tremor; oscillate; vibro-:
  简谐振动 simple harmonic vibration;
  等时振动 isochronous vibration;
  每秒振动42次 forty vibrations per second;
  膜片振动, 这使得周围的空气也动荡起来。 The diaphragm vibrates, thus setting the air around it in motion.
 振动按摩法 vibration;
 振动板 oscillating plate;
 振动棒 vibrating spear;
 振动泵 {油工} sonic pump;
 振动臂 shaker arm;
 振动变流器 chopper; vibrator inverter;
 振动病 vibration disease;
 振动部分 oscillating component;
 振动采样管 vibrocorer;
 振动槽 vibra shoot;
 振动测量 vibration measurement;
 振动测量计 vibrometer;
 振动测试仪 vibration measurement instrument;
 振动铲 vibrospade;
 振动沉拔桩机 vibratory pile driver and extractor;
 振动沉桩 pile vibrosinking;
 振动成型 vibration moulding;
 振动乘法器 vibration multiplier;
 振动弛豫 vibration relaxation;
 振动出芯机 core vibrating unit;
 振动触点 oscillating contact;
 振动传递率 vibration transmissibility;
 振动传感器 vibrating sensor;
 振动磁体 oscillating magnet;
 振动打炉衬 vibrated lining;
 振动打桩机 {机} vibratory hammer;
 振动捣实 {土} mechanical puddling; vibration puddling;
 振动地基 vibrating foundation;
 振动点 oscillation point;
 振动电键 vibroplex;
 振动电流计 vibrating galvanometer;
 振动电容器 vibrating capacitor;
 振动电容式斩波机 vibrating capacitance chopper;
 振动堆焊 vibration welding;
 振动发生器 vibration machine;
 振动发生装置 vibration generator system;
 振动法 {中医} vibration manipulation;
 振动方式 vibration mode;
 振动放矿 stope vibratory ore-drawing;
 振动分级 vibration separation;
 振动分离筛 shaker separator;
 振动分料锥 vibrocast mortar distributing cone;
 振动分析 flutter analysis;
 振动分析方法 vibration analysis method;
 振动分析器 vibration analyzer;
 振动感受器 vibratory receptor;
 振动钢滚 rider;
 振动格筛 vibrating bar grizzly;
 振动工具 vibrating tool;
 振动公害 vibration nuisance;
 振动固结 consolidation by vibration;
 振动光谱 {光谱} vibrational spectrum;
 振动函数 oscillating function;
 振动夯实机 vibrating rammer;
 振动弧 arc of oscillation;
 振动换流器 chopper;
 振动幻视 oscillopsia;
 振动回火 vibration tempering;
 振动机 bobbing machine;
 振动激烈性 vibration severity;
 振动-挤压混凝土 vibro-hydro pressed concrete;
 振动计 {工} vibrometer; vibration meter; vibrograph; vibroscope; vibratormeter; vibramete;
 振动计量装置 vibration measuring apparatus;
 振动记录图 vibrogram;
 振动继电器 vibrating relay;
 振动加固 consolidation by vibrating;
 振动检波(测)器 vibrating detector;
 振动键 oscillating bond; oscillating linkage;
 振动(感)觉 seismesthesia; seisesthesia; pallesthesia; palmesthesia;
 振动(感)觉过敏 hyperpallesthesia;
 振动(感)觉减退 hypopallesthesia;
 振动牢固性试验 vibration ruggedness test;
 振动犁铧 oscillant share; shaker share;
 振动离心脱水机 vibrating screening centrifuge;
 振动理论 vibration theory;
 振动连接 oscillating joint; wobble joint;
 振动梁 {采矿} walking beam;
 振动量子 vibration quantum;
 振动量子数 {物化} vibrational quantum number;
 振动螺旋 oscillatory spin;
 振动落砂机 vibratory shakeout machine;
 振动脉冲 vibratory impulse;
 振动密实燃料 vipac fuel;
 振动模拟器 vibration simulator;
 振动模式 vibration mode; oscillating mode;
 振动膜 vibrating membrane; vibration diaphragm;
 振动磨机 vibrating mill;
 振动抹浆法 mortar coating vibrating method;
 振动抹浆机 vibro-grouting machine;
 振动耐力 vibrational tolerance;
 振动能 vibrational energy;
 振动能级 {物化} vibrational level;
 振动碾 vibrating roller;
 振动凝胶 vibrogel;
 振动耦合 vibrational coupling;
 振动拍摄 tonguing;
 振动疲劳 vibration fatigue;
 振动疲劳强度 fatigue strength under oscillation stresses;
 振动片 vibrating reed;
 振动频率 vibration frequency;
 振动频率分析器 vibration frequency analyzer;
 振动频率计 {工} sonometer;
 振动频谱 rumble spectrum;
 振动频谱分析器 vibration spectrum analyzer;
 振动平面 plane of oscillation; plane of vibration;
 振动破坏 flutter failure;
 振动谱 vibrational spectra;
 振动清洗机 vibration cleaning machine;
 振动切削 vibrocutting;
 振动球磨 vibratory milling;
 振动球磨机 vibrator;
 振动求和定则 {光谱} vibrational sum rule;
 振动趋性 vibrotaxis;
 振动去毛刺 vibrator deburring;
 振动容量式斩波器 vibrating capacitance chopper;
 振动烧结 vibratory sintering;
 振动声 chatter;
 振动生理效应 vibrational physiological effect;
 振动试验 vibration test;
 振动试验台 vibration machine; exciter; shaker;
 振动输送机 vibrating conveyor;
 振动衰减 vibration damping;
 振动衰减量 vibration attenuation;
 振动碎粒机 {机} oscillating granulator;
 振动台 vibrostand; vibro-bench; bumper;
 振动态 vibrational state;
 振动探示器 hunting probe;
 振动体 oscillating body;
 振动填实砂桩法 vibro-composer method;
 振动调整 flicker control;
 振动(记录)图 vibrorecord;
 振动陀螺仪 vibratory gyroscope; gyrotron;
 振动卫星 oscillating satellite;
 振动稳定性试验 vibration stability test;
 振动吸力筛 {采矿} aspirating screen;
 振动吸收器 vibration absorber;
 振动系统 vibrating system;
 振动显示器 vibrograph;
 振动线圈磁强计 vibrating coil magnetometer;
 振动线圈法 vibrating coil method;
 振动箱 vibrating bin;
 振动效应 dither effect; jarring effect;
 振动芯模 vibro-core mould;
 振动旋转造粒机 vibrating rotary pelletizer;
 振动压路机 vibroll; vibroroller;
 振动压密(缩) compressibility by shaking;
 振动压实 vibrating compacting;
 振动压铸 vibrocast;
 振动样品磁强计 vibrating specimen magnetometer;
 振动液化 vibratory liquefaction;
 振动仪 vibroscope; vibration gauge;
 振动影响 vibration effect;
 振动宇宙 oscillating universe;
 振动宇宙模型 oscillating universe model;
 振动载荷 oscillating load;
 振动噪声 vibration noise;
 振动噪声电压 vibration noise voltage;
 振动造型机 jolt moulding machine;
 振动轧平机 vibrofinisher;
 振动沼 (德) Schwingmoor;
 振动真空混凝土 vibro-vacuum concrete;
 振动(子)整流器 vibropack;
 振动治聋器 vibrometer;
 振动中心 centre of oscillation;
 振动周期 vibration period;
 振动砖壁板 vibrated brick wall panel;
 振动-转动光谱 {物} vibration-rotation spectrum;
 振动装置 vibrator;
 振动自动控制仪 automatic vibration exciter control;
 振动阻尼 {机} vibration damping;
 振动阻尼器 vibration damper;
 振动钻机 vibrodrill;
 振动钻眼 {机} vibration drilling




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