

字词 按兵不动
释义 按兵不动
 àn bīng bú dòng
 halt the troops and wait; keep (remain) quiet; be on the alert, but make no move; bide one's time; hold one's troops where they are; hold the dogs of war in leash; keep an army back from battle; keep the troops immobilized; keep the troops in readiness, but do not send them into action; make no move; not to throw the troops into battle; remain inactive; rest one's men for a time; station the troops (and wait for a right time to strike); stop the advance of an army; take no action; The army was halted and did not march.:
  按兵不动, 等待时机 not to move till the right moment; halt the troops and wait; keep quiet for waiting for a good chance; station one's troops and wait for the right moment; hold in check the pugnacity of our men until such a time as could be to our better advantage to strike; hold one's troops temporarily in leash for more effective action later




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