

字词 指令
释义 指令
 zhǐ lìng
 (指示; 命令) instruct; order; direct
 (上级机关对下级机关的指示) instructions; order; directive
  {计}(命令; 指示) instruction; command:
  遥控指令 remote control command
 指令安排形式 order format;
 指令编码方案 command coding scheme;
 指令变化 modification of orders;
 指令变换 instruction map;
 指令变量 command variable;
 指令表 instruction repertory; instruction list; code repertoire; instruction catalogue; code repertory; instruction set; instruction table; vocabulary;
 指令部分 operation part;
 指令部件 instruction unit;
 指令舱 {航空} command module;
 指令产生器 command generator;
 指令常数 instruction constant;
 指令长度 {自} command length;
 指令长度码 instruction length code;
 指令程序 instruction repertoire;
 指令重发方式 command repetition sending;
 指令重复执行 instruction retry;
 指令处理 command processing;
 指令处理程序 command processor;
 指令处理机 instruction processor;
 指令处理器 instruction processing unit;
 指令传输设备 command transmission equipment;
 指令传送线 command line;
 指令存储单元 location of instruction;
 指令存储区 instruction area; instruction storage; routine storage;
 指令带 instruction tape; order tape;
 指令单发方式 command single sending;
 指令地址 {自} instruction address; command address; order code;
 指令地址寄存器 {自} instruction address register;
 指令地址源 instruction address source;
 指令电路 instruction circuit;
 指令队列 instruction queue;
 指令发射机 command transmitter;
 指令发生器 command generator;
 指令发送器 commander sender;
 指令分解 command resolution;
 指令分类 instruction classification;
 指令复执 instruction retry;
 指令符号 command character; instruction character;
 指令改变 instruction modification; modification of orders;
 指令格式 {自} instruction format; order format;
 指令混合比例 instruction mix;
 指令机 dictating machine;
 指令寄存器{自} current-instruction register; command register; instruction register; order register;
 指令计数器 {自} location counter; program counter; sequence counter; instruction counter;
 指令监测接收机 command monitoring receiver;
 指令监控台 command monitor;
 指令监视译码器 command monitoring decoder;
 指令校验指示器 instruction-check indicator;
 指令接收机command receiver;
 指令接收机选择逻辑 command receiver selected logic;
 指令结构 order structure; command structure;
 指令经济 command economy;
 指令卡 order card;
 指令卡片组 {自} instruction deck;
 指令控制 command control;
 指令控制计数器 control instruction counter;
 指令连发方式 command continual sending;
 指令连续性 continuity of command;
 指令流 instruction stream;
 指令逻辑 command logic;
 指令码 {自} instruction code; command code; order code;
 指令脉冲 {电子} command pulse;
 指令偏转 throw of pointer;
 指令区 {自} instruction area;
 指令取出 instruction fetch;
 指令群 order bloc;
 指令容量 command capacity;
 指令设备 commander equipment;
 指令生成程序 instruction generation;
 指令时延 command time delay;
 指令特征位 characteristic bit;
 指令跳光发生器 cue kit;
 指令网 {军} command net;
 指令无效 instruction ignore;
 指令系数 command factor;
 指令系统 instruction repertoire; instruction repertory; code repertoire; code repertory; instruction set;
 指令信号 command signal;
 指令形式 instruction type;
 指令修改 modifying of order;
 指令序列 instruction sequence; command sequence;
 指令学说 instructive theory;
 指令遥控 command remote control;
 指令遥控系统 command remote control system;
 指令译码器 command decoder;
 指令引信 command fuze;
 指令隐蔽发送方式 command secret sending;
 指令与数据收集站 command and data acquisition station;
 指令语言 command language;
 指令元件 instruction element; order element;
 指令元素 instruction element;
 指令再试 command retry;
 指令增稳系统 command augmentation stability system;
 指令站 command station;
 指令执行时间 instruction time;
 指令制导 {工} command control; command guidance;
 指令制导系统 command guidance system;
 指令周期 instruction cycle;
 指令周期时间 instruction cycle time;
 指令周期数 {自} instruction cycles;
 指令追踪 instruction tracing;
 指令子系统 command subsystem;
 指令组 set of instructions; order set;
 指令组合 packing of orders




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