

 (手指头) finger:
  拇指 thumb;
  食指 index finger;
  中指 the middle finger;
  无名指 ring finger;
  小手指 the little finger
 (一个手指头的宽度) fingerbreadth; digit:
  一指宽 one fingerbreadth wide; a digit wide;
  下了四指雨。 We had about three inches of rain.
 (对着; 向着) point at; point to:
  指天盟誓 swear by the heaven and sun as witness;
  他指了指村子所在的方向。 He pointed to where the village lay.
  用手指指人是很失礼的。 It's rude to point your fingers at people.
 (头发直立) bristle:
  令人发指 make sb. bristle with anger
 (指点) indicate; demonstrate; show; point out:
  指出地图上的位置 indicate the position on a map;
  指给他寻问的去处 show him the way he asked;
  指出他的缺点 point out his shortcomings;
  可否把你的行李指给我们检查? Would you mind pointing out your luggage for inspection?
 (意思上指着) refer to; direct at:
  那句话不是指她说的。 That remark does not refer to (direct at) her.
 (仰仗;依靠) count on; depend on; rely on:
  就指着工资生活呢 depend on the wages for living;
  单指一个人是不能把事情做好的。 You can't just count upon one single person to get the work done properly.
 另见 zhī; zhí。
 (构词成分)见下。另见zhī; zhǐ。
 (构词成分)见下。另见 zhí; zhǐ。




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