

字词 持续
释义 持续
 chí xù
 (延续) last; continue; sustain:
  地震持续了大约两分钟。 The earthquake continued for about two minutes.
  封锁可能要持续一段时间。 The blockade is likely to last for some time.
 (连续地) continued; sustained:
  生产的持续发展 sustained growth of production;
  持续、 稳定、 协调的发展 stable, sustained and coordinated development;
  使原油产量持续稳定上升 keep up a steady increase in the output of crude oil
 持续罢工 rolling strike;
 持续病毒感染 persistent virus infection;
 持续产量 sustained yield;
 持续长度编码 run length coding;
 持续出力 continuous output;
 持续传染 persistent infection;
 持续贷款 perpetual loan;
 持续滴注器 Murphy drip apparatus;
 持续癫痫 status epilepticus;
 持续电流 follow current; persistent current; follow on current;
 持续电流存储元件 persistent current memory cell;
 持续动作 perseveration;
 持续短路 sustained short-circuit;
 持续短路电流 sustained short circuit current;
 持续段 sustained segment;
 持续发情 continuous estrus;
 持续繁荣 continuous prosperity;
 持续反应 sustained response;
 持续放电 continuous discharge;
 持续辐照 chronic exposure;
 持续负载电流 continuous load current;
 持续故障 sustained fault;
 持续光谱 continuous spectrum;
 持续光线 continuous beam of light;
 持续过程 time-continuing process;
 持续过载 sustained overload;
 持续弧 sustained arc;
 持续加速度 long acceleration;
 持续矿物 persistent mineral;
 持续力 vitality; sustaining power;
 持续流通系统 continuous flow system;
 持续麻醉性睡眠 continuous narcotic sleep;
 持续起电盘 continuous electrophorus;
 持续牵引力 continuous tractive effort;
 持续燃烧 sustained combustion;
 持续容量 continuous rating;
 持续射击 sustained fire;
 持续射击速率 {军} sustained rate of fire;
 持续声 sustained sound;
 持续升压试验 continuous voltage rise test;
 持续时间 duration;
 持续饰变 {生} dauermodification;
 持续推进式火箭 long-duration rocket;
 持续输入 sustained input;
 持续输氧器 pneumo-oxygenator;
 持续稳定增长 sustained, stable growth;
 持续训练 continuous training;
 持续音 pedal point;
 持续应力 sustained stress;
 持续预测 persistence forecasting;
 持续运行电压 continuous running voltage;
 持续运行时间 continuous working period;
 持续运转 continuous running;
 持续运转额定值 continuous rating;
 持续载荷电流 continuous load current;
 持续振荡 continuous (sustained; undamped) oscillation;
 持续振动 sustained vibration;
 持续增长 sustainable growth;sustained development of;
 持续最大功率 continuous maximum rating;
 持续罪 continuous offense;
 持续作业 continuous operation




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