

字词 拘泥
释义 拘泥
 jū ni
 be a stickler for (form, etc.); rigidly adhere to (formalities, etc.):
  拘泥成法 stick to old methods;
  拘泥文字 stick to the letter;
  拘泥于细节 be very punctilious; scrupulous about minor details; stand on points;
  拘泥于形式 rigidly adhere to form; be formalistic; be a stick for forms;
  拘泥小节 stand upon (on) trifles (petty conventions); be tied down by trifles (petty conventions);
  拘泥古怪仪式的人 a stickler for quaint ceremonies;
  我决非拘泥于权威的人。 I am no stickler for authority.
  人们发现她是个拘泥的人。 People find her a stickler about trifles.




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