

字词 拒绝
释义 拒绝
 jù jué
 refuse; reject; turn down; decline; in one's refusal to do; give sb. a flat refusal; repel; pass up:
  拒绝参加会议 refuse to take part in the meeting;
  拒绝发表意见 refuse to comment;
  拒绝接受帮助 reject an offer of help;
  拒绝某项建议 reject a proposal of suggestion;
  拒绝受礼 refuse a gift;
  拒绝无理要求 turn down (reject) unreasonable demands;
  拒绝作证 decline to give evidence;
  我求过他一次, 但他断然拒绝了。 I asked a favour of him, but he refused point-blank.
  他坚持拒绝付钱。 He persisted in his refusal to pay the money.
  那男孩拒绝别人的批评。 The boy rejects other people's criticism.
 拒绝偿还债务 recourse repudiation;
 拒绝承兑 actual dishonour; nonacceptance;
 拒绝承兑汇票证书 authenticated protest;
 拒绝承兑的迫索权 recourse for non-acceptance;
 拒绝承兑后的背书 endorsement after protest;
 拒绝承兑汇票 dishonour a bill of exchange; dishonour by non-acceptance of a bill of exchange; refusal to accept;
 拒绝承兑证明 failure to protest;
 拒绝承兑(汇票)证书 failure for nonacceptance;
 拒绝订单并加以说明 rejection of order with explanation;
 拒绝发运 refusal to deliver;
 拒绝付款 certificate of dishonour;
 拒绝付款或拒绝承兑证书 protest;
 拒绝付款证书(汇票) protest for nonpayment;
 拒绝购买 sales resistance;
 拒绝汇票 dishonour by non-payment of a bill of exchange;
 拒绝赔付 repudiation of claims;
 拒绝区域 reject region(图像处理);
 拒绝审判 refusal of justice;
 拒绝数 rejection number;
 拒绝提货 refuse to take delivery;
 拒绝阵线 rejectionist front;
 拒绝证书 protest;
 拒绝支付者 repudiator;
 拒绝执行 refusal of enforcement; repudiation;
 拒绝执行判决 refusal of enforcement;
 拒绝中断 {计} disarmed interrupt;
 拒绝状态 {自} disarmed state




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