

 (用手臂围住) carry in breast; hold with both arms; embrace:
  抱柴禾 carry a bundle of firewood;
  抱小孩儿 take a baby in one's arms;
  抱住 hold in one's arms; hold on to
 (初次得到) have one's first child or grandchild:
  抱上儿子了 have a son;
  她快抱孙子了。 She'll soon be a grandmother.
 (领养孩子) adopt a baby:
  抱养的孩子 adopted child
  (方) (结合在一起) hang together:
  抱团儿 hang together; gang up; band together
 (衣、鞋大小合适) fit nicely:
  抱脚儿 fit the feet nicely
 (存在心里; 怀有) cherish; nourish; harbour:
  抱乐观态度 take an optimistic attitude;
  抱希望 entertain a hope;
  抱满腔热忱 be filled with enthusiasm
 (负有) carry on; burdened with:
  抱痛 suffer sorrow of
 (孵卵成雏) hatch eggs; brood:
  抱小鸡儿 hatch chickens
 (姓氏) a surname:
  抱嶷 Bao Yi
 (两臂合围的量) armful:
  一抱柴 an armful of firewood;
  一抱书 an armful of books




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