

 (翻转) roll over; turn over:
  折跟头 turn a somersault;
  折过儿 turn over;
  折来折去 roll about
 (倒过来倒过去) pour back and forth between two containers:
  开水太烫, 拿两个杯子折一折就凉了。 The water's boiling hot. Pour it from one cup to another repeatedly to cool it.
 另见 shé; zhé。
 (断; 弄断) break; fracture; snap:
  攀折花木 break off flowers and branches;
  折断树枝 snap off a twing
 (损失) lose:
  损兵折将 suffer heavy casualties;
  亏折了500元 have lost 500 yuan
 (弯; 弯曲) bend; flex; twist:
  这条河折向东流。 The river bends to the east.
 (回转; 转变方向) turn back; change direction:
  走到大门口又折了回来 turn back at the gate;
  折入另一条街 turn into other street
 (折服) be convinced; be filled with admiration:
  心折 be deeply convinced; be filled with heartfelt admiration
 (折合; 抵换) amount to; convert into:
  把美元折成人民币 convert dollars into Renminbi yuan
 (折叠) fold:
  把地图折成小册子 fold up the map into a booklet
 (折扣) discount; rebate:
  打九折 allow ten per cent discount;
  如立即付款可打九折 a 10% rebate for immediate payment
 (北曲每一个剧本分为四折, 一折等于后来的一出) an act
 (折子) booklet; folder:
  奏折 memorial to the throne;
  存折 deposit book; bankbook
 (汉字的笔画) turning stroke (in Chinese characters)另见 shé; zhē。
 (断) break; snap:
  栎木弯而不折。 Oak may bend but will not break.
  树枝在积雪的重压下突然折了。 The branch snapped under all that snow.
 (亏损) lose money in business
 (姓氏) a surname:
  折阳 She Yang
 另见 zhē; zhé。




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