

字词 抗辩
释义 抗辩
 kàng biàn
 (不接受责难而作辩护) contradict; speak out in one's own defense; refute:
  以无知为理由而提出的抗辩是不能成立的。 No plea can be set up on the ground of ignorance.
  {律} counterplead; demurrer; plea; counterplea; counterargument:
  抗辩者 opposing counsel; pleader;
  进行抗辩 enter (put in) a demurrer;
  对 ... 提出抗辩 raise a plea against ...;
  过时抗辩 bar by lapse of time;
  他们来法院 不是应诉, 而是抗辩。 They appeared in court not to raise defences, but to challenge the court jurisdiction.
  他针对对他的指控提出“无罪”的抗辩。 He entered a plea of “not guilty” to the charges filed against him.
 抗辩者 opposing counsel




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