

 (手指聚拢, 使物体固定在手中) grab; clutch; get; seize; grasp:
  一把抓住 clutch fast;
  抓紧绳子 seize a rope;
  他抓住我的手臂。 He grabbed me by the arm.
  主人抓住我的手, 热情地和我握手。 The host seized my hand and shook it heartily.
 (搔抓) scratch:
  抓痒 scratch an itch;
  抓头皮 scratch one's head;
  猫用爪子抓。 The cat scratches with her claws.
 (捉拿; 捕捉) arrest; catch; seize:
  抓特务 seize the spy;
  抓劳工 press-gang labourer;
  他被抓起来了。 He was arrested.
  他们当场把他抓住。 They caught him red-handed.
 (特别着重) stress; pay special attention to; emphasize:
  抓产品质量 emphasize the quality of the products;
  抓苗头 watch out for the first signs;
  抓重点 stress the essentials;
  抓主要问题 pay special attention to the main problems
 (抢着做) seize; grasp:
  抓机会 seize an opportunity; grasp at an opportunity;
  大胆抓起棘手问题 grasp the nettle
 (负责做) take charge of; be responsible for:
  他是抓业务的副校长。 He is a vice-president for academic affairs.
  这项工作由他抓。 He is in charge of the work.
 (吸引) attract; draw; fascinate:
  剧一开始就抓住了观众。 The play gripped the audience soon after it started.
  他的演讲抓住了听众。 He attracted listeners' attention with his speech.




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