

 (用手或耙子等使东西聚拢或散开) gather up; rake up (together):
  把枯树叶扒在一起 rake together the dead leaves
 (从别人身上偷窃财物) pick; pilfer:
  扒口袋 pick sb.'s pocket;
  我在火车上被扒了。 I had my pocket picked on the train.
  (方) (用手搔; 抓; 挠) scratch:
  扒痒 scratch an itch
 (用微火把食物煮烂) stew; braise:
  扒鸡 braised chicken;
  扒羊肉 stewed mutton
 另见 bā。
  (刨; 挖; 拆) dig up; pull down; rake:
  扒树根 dig up the root of a tree;
  扒旧房 pull down an old house;
  扒土 rake earth;
  把埋在雪里的木板扒出来 dig out the planks buried under the snow
 (抓着可依附的东西; 攀援) hold on to; cling to:
  扒窗台 hold on to the windowsill
 (拨动) push aside:
  扒开草丛 push aside a thick growth of grass
 (脱掉; 剥) strip off; take off:
  扒狗皮 skin a dog;
  他把鞋袜一扒, 光着脚趟水。 Taking off his shoes and socks, he waded across barefoot.
 另见 pá。




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