

 (使身体迅速地伏在物体上) throw oneself on; pounce on:
  孩子一下子扑到母亲的怀里。 The child threw himself into his mother's arms.
  警察向小偷扑了过去。 The police pounced upon the thief.
  老虎向山羊扑去。 The tiger sprang on the goat.
 (把全部精力用到工作、 事业等上面) dedicate all one's energies to a cause; devote:
  一心扑在科学研究上 devote oneself heart and soul to the study of science
 (扑打; 进攻) rush at; attack:
  扑蝴蝶 catch butterflies;
  直扑匪徒的巢穴 swoop down on the bandit's lair
 (拍打;拍) flap; flutter:
  那只受伤的鸟扑着翅膀落到地上。 The wounded bird fluttered to the ground.
  鸭子扑着翅膀。 The duck flapped its wings.
  (方) (伏) bend over:
  扑在桌上看地图 bend over a map on the desk
 (扑粉用具) puff:
  粉扑儿 powder puff




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