

字词 战斗
释义 战斗
 zhàn dòu
 (武装冲突) fight; battle; combat; action:
  战斗到底 fight to the finish; nail one's colours to the mast;
  英勇战斗 put up a heroic fight;
  这个老兵参加过许多难忘的战斗。 The veteran soldier has fought many memorable battles.
 (斗争) militant; fighting:
  战斗的友谊 militant friendship;
  战斗的诗篇 militant poem
 战斗报告 combat report;
 战斗保障 combat support;
 战斗备用物资 combat serviceable item;
 战斗编成 combat organization;
 战斗编组 combat grouping;
 战斗表尺 battle sight;
 战斗部 payload; warhead (装炸药的部分);
 战斗部队 combat forces;
 战斗部署 tactical disposition;
 战斗城 combat town;
 战斗储备 combat storage;
 战斗出动强度 operational intensity; intensity of combat operation;
 战斗村 combat village;
 战斗导弹 armed guided missile;
 战斗地带 battle zone;
 战斗动员 combat mobilization;
 战斗队 fighting force; combat team;
 战斗队型(形) combat (battle) formation;
 战斗队形联测 topographic conjunction of battle formation;
 战斗分界线 combat boundary line;
 战斗分散 battlefield dispersal;
 战斗概则 general principles of combat;
 战斗工程保障 engineer support for a battle;
 战斗轰炸机 fighter-bomber;
 战斗活动半径 combat radius;
 战斗机 fighter plane; fighter;
 战斗激烈程度 ordeal of combat;
 战斗减员 combat casualty;
 战斗舰艇 combatant (combat) ship; ship of war;
 战斗经过图 combat development map;
 战斗警报 action warning; active alert;
 战斗警戒 combat security; combat outpost;
 战斗命令 combat order;
 战斗配置表 battle bill;
 战斗企图 intention of operation; purpose of operation;
 战斗勤务支援 combat service support;
 战斗群 battle group;
 战斗任务 combat mission; fighting task; combat (operational) task;
 战斗伤亡 battle casualty;
 战斗哨 action post;
 战斗实施 conduct of a battle; execution of a battle;
 战斗条令 combat regulation;
 战斗跳伞 combat jump;
 战斗突破 operational breakthrough;
 战斗桅楼 fighting top;
 战斗位置 action position;
 战斗文书 combat document;
 战斗信息中心 {讯} combat information centre;
 战斗行动 combat action;
 战斗行军 fighting march;
 战斗性 militancy;
 战斗序列 battle array;
 战斗巡洋舰 battle cruiser;
 战斗演习 mock war;
 战斗意志 will to fight;
 战斗英雄 combat hero;
 战斗员 fighter;
 战斗运输车 combat carrier;
 战斗侦察 combat reconnaissance;
 战斗政治工作 political work in a battle;
 战斗指挥 tactical commanding;
 战斗支援 combat support;
 战斗装药 destruction package;
 战斗准备 combat readiness;
 战斗组 battle group




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更新时间:2025/3/4 13:40:41