

字词 成本
释义 成本
 chéng běn
 prime cost; cost; capitalized cost; final cost; first cost; self-cost:
  固定成本 fixed cost;
  可变成本 variable cost;
  间接成本 indirect cost;
  生产成本 production cost;
  直接成本 direct cost;
  人工成本 labour cost;
  经营成本 operating cost;
  照成本卖 sell at cost;
  这价格低于成本。 The price is under first cost.
  我希望它在3年内赚回成本。 I expect it to earn its cost in less than three years.
 成本报表 statement of cost of goods manufactured;
 成本差额 cost differentials;
 成本差异 cost variance (variation);
 成本单 cost sheet;
 成本单价 cost unit price;
 成本单位 cost unit;
 成本定率法 method of fixed percentage on cost;
 成本对象 cost objective;
 成本法 law of cost;
 成本分配 cost distribution; cost allocation;
 成本分析 {工管} cost analysis;
 成本估计 cost estimate; cost estimating;
 成本估价 valuation at cost;
 成本估价法 cost method;
 成本估算 cost estimation;
 成本管理 management through costs;
 成本耗损 cost depletion;
 成本核算 cost accounting; cost keeping;
 成本核算中心 cost accounting centre;
 成本计算 calculation of net cost; cost account;
 成本计算方法 method of cost accounting;
 成本计算分步法 continuous process cost system;
 成本计算分类法 class costing; products costing;
 成本计算分批法 specific order cost system;
 成本计算简单 (易)法 cost accounts on general books;
 成本加固定附加费 cost-plus-a-fixed fee;
 成本(加)运费价格 cost and freight (C. and F.);
 成本加值 cost markup;
 成本价格 cost price; prime cost;
 成本价值 cost value;
 成本降低率 rate of cost reduction;
 成本会计 {工管} cost accounting;
 成本利润率 rate of profit based on the cost of production; profit rate on costs;
 成本膨胀 cost inflation;
 成本收益 cost-benefit;
 成本收益分析 cost-benefit analysis;
 成本系数 cost coefficient;
 成本效率 cost performance;
 成本效率预算 cost-benefit analysis;
 成本效益 cost efficiency;
 成本-效益分析 cost-benefit analysis; cost-effect analysis;
 成本项目 items of cost;
 成本有效性 cost effectiveness;
 成本增高 cost up;
 成本账 cost accounts;
 成本指数 cost index number;
 成本资料 cost data




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