

 (书) (帮助; 卫护) support; stand for;
  为人民服务 serve the people;
  为农民唱歌 sing for the peasants;
  为顾客着想 think about the interests of the customers;
  为农村服务 serve the countryside
  为实现四个现代化而努力工作 work hard for realizing the four modernizations;
  为生活而写作 write for a living
  为友谊干杯 toast our friendship;
  为胜利而欢呼 hail a victory
 (对; 向):
  不足为外人道 not worth speaking to others;
  且为诸君言之。 Now I'll inform you about it.
 另见 wéi。
 2) 为(為、爲)
 (做; 作为) do; act:
  为善 do good;
  敢作敢为 act with daring; bold in action;
  事在人为。 Human effort is the decisive factor.
 (充当) serve as; act as; play the part of:
  指鹿为马 call a stag a horse;
  以此为凭。 This will serve as a proof.
 (变成; 成) become; turn into:
  人满为患 so crowded as to become a source of trouble;
  化干戈为玉帛 turn hostility into friendship;
  化整为零 break up the whole into parts;
  一分为二。 One divides into two.
 (是) be; mean:
  1公里为2华里。 One kilometre is equivalent to two li.
  100厘米为一米。 One hundred centimetres make one metre.
  广为流传 spread far and wide;
  深为感动 be deeply touched (moved)
  极为重要 most important;
  尤为出色 particularly splendid
 (跟“所”字合用,表示被动) by:
  为人所害 be murdered;
  为贼所盗 be stolen by a thief;
  不为表面现象所迷惑 not be confused by superficial phenomena
 (书) (常跟“何”相应,表示疑问):
  何以妻为? What need have I of a wife?
 (姓氏) a surname:
  为昆 Wei Kun
 另见 wèi。




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