

字词 感觉
释义 感觉
 gǎn jué
 (对客观事物的反映) sense perception; sensation; feeling; aesthesis; aesthema; aesthesia; tabet:
  唤起令人愉快的感觉 awake a pleasant sensation;
  脑力劳动与体力劳动引起的饥饿感觉是完全一样的。 Working with one's head causes a sensation of hunger quite as much as muscular work.
  我突然有种奇异的感觉。 Strange feelings suddenly came over me.
  天花板高给人一种通风和宽敞的感觉。 A high ceiling gives a feeling of airness and spaciousness.
 (觉得) feel; perceive; become aware of:
  你感觉怎么样? How do you feel now?
  我在等待的时候,感觉到房子里发生了什么事。 As I waited, I became aware of something happening in the house.
 感觉胞 {无脊椎} aesthacytes;
 感觉辨别 sensory discrimination;
 感觉剥夺 sensory deprivation;
 感觉材料 sense-data;
 感觉超敏度 {心} cryptesthesia;
 感觉迟钝 dysesthesia; disesthesia; obtusion;
 感觉错乱 paraglesia;
 感觉单位 sensation unit;
 感觉倒错 paralgesia; paralgia; noseresthesia;
 感觉道(形态) sensory modality;
 感觉底层中枢机制 sensorium;
 感觉地平圈 {天} sensible horizon;
 感觉反射 sensation reflex;
 感觉观念论 ideology;
 感觉棍 rhopalium; rhopalioid;
 感觉过敏 acroaesthesia; acroesthesia; hyperesthesia; hyperaesthesia;
 感觉级 sensation level;
 感觉减退 hypoaesthesia; hypoesthesia; hypesthesia;
 感觉交叉 sensory decussation;
 感觉控制 sensory control;
 感觉力 aesthesia;
 感觉灵敏者 percipient;
 感觉论(主义) {哲} sensualism; sensism; sensationalism;
 感觉论(主义)者 sensualist; sensationalist; sensationist;
 感觉毛 aesthetase; sense hair; sensory hair;
 感觉末梢 sensory ending;
 感觉能力 perceptibility;
 感觉能力缺乏 {医} acatamathesia;
 感觉皮层 sensory cortex;
 感觉起源说 archaesthetism;
 感觉器 sense organ; sensillum;
 感觉器官 sense organ; sensory organ;
 感觉器官模拟 simulation of sensory organ;
 感觉清晰程度 attensity;
 感觉区 sensory area;
 感觉缺失 anaesthesia; anesthesia;
 感觉锐敏 oxyesthesia; oxypathia; oxypathy;
 感觉上皮 sensory epithelium;
 感觉生理(学) sensory physiology;
 感觉适应 sensory adaptation;
 感觉速度 speed of sensation;
 感觉特殊能力说 law of specific energy of sensation;
 感觉特性 sense quality;
 感觉通道 sensory channel;
 感觉突 sensory papilla;
 感觉温度 sensible temperature;
 感觉细胞 aesthacytes; sensory cell;
 感觉纤维 sensory fibre;
 感觉显示 tactile presentation;
 感觉线圈 sensing coil;
 感觉学 esthematology; aesthematology;
 感觉学习 sensory learning;
 感觉艺术品 feelie;
 感觉异常 paraesthesia; kakesthesia; cacesthesia;
 感觉异常性股痛 {医} meralgia paraesthetica;
 感觉抑制 sensory inhibition;
 感觉印象 sense impression; appearance;
 感觉阈 sensory threshold;
 感觉阈值 threshold of feelings;
 感觉运动效率 sensorimotor performance;
 感觉运动智力 sensemotor intelligence; sensory-motor intelligence;
 感觉噪声分贝 {声} perceived noise decibel (PN dB);
 感觉噪声级 perceived noise level;
 感觉障碍 sensory disturbance;
 感觉正常 euesthesia; eugnosia;
 感觉中枢 sensorium; perceptorium; sensory center;
 感觉钟 sense dome;
 感觉终器 organule




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