

 (觉得) feel; sense:
  身体略感不适 not feel very well; be under the weather; be out of sorts;
  我深感力不从心。 I feel keenly that my ability falls short of my wishes.
 (怀有谢意) be grateful; be obliged; appreciate:
  请早日寄下为感。 I should be grateful if you would send it to me at an early date.
 (感动) move; touch:
  深有所感 be deeply moved
 (中医指感受风寒) be affected:
  外感风寒 be affected by the cold; get a cold
 (接触光线而发生变化) sensitize
 (感觉; 情感; 感想) sense; feeling; emotion:
  美感 aesthetic feeling; sense of beauty;
  好感 favourable impression;
  灵感 inspiration;
  读后感 reaction to (impressions of) a book or an article




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