字词 | 临时 |
释义 | 临时 lín shí (临到事情发生时) at the time when sth. happens: 他正在临时准备考试。 He was boning up for an examination. (暂时的) temporary; provisional; for a short time: 临时办法 a temporary arrangement; makeshift measures; 临时补缺的人 filler-in (pl. fillers-in); 临时凑合 make do for the moment; 临时工作人员 a temporary member of the staff; 临时起作用的因素 a factor which could play only a temporary role 临时板条路 gangway; 临时包工 contracts on a temporary basis; occasional contracts; 临时保单 provisional policy; 临时保险费 provisional premium; 临时变量 temporary variable; 临时兵营 flying camp; 临时薄膜 {冶} temporary film; 临时布线 haywire wiring; 临时采伐 incidental felling; accidental cutting; 临时餐室 canteen; 临时仓库 transit depot; transit godown; 临时插入系统 {讯} camp-on system; 临时超前支架(护) {采矿} foreset; 临时撑 shoving; shoring; 临时撑木 cross-spale; 临时撑柱 {工} shoring; 临时撑住 timberjack; 临时成本 nonrecurring cost; 临时出口 temporary export; 临时措施 (诉讼进行中法院裁定的) interim measures; 临时贷款 interim credit; bridging loan; temporary loan; 临时代办 {外} chargé d'affaires ad interim; 临时代理人 acting agent; 临时地理坐标图 {军} temporary geographic grid; 临时电路 patch; 临时电线 haywire; 临时顶柱 gag; 临时动议 extempore motion; 临时短工 jobbing work; 临时堆栈 transit shed; 临时法庭 provisional court; 临时房屋建筑 shelter; 临时放牧场 emergency pasture; 临时费用 incidental expenses; 临时分保 facultative reinsurance; 临时分保合同 facultative treaty; 临时浮标 {航海} dan buoy; 临时负荷 provisional weight; 临时盖 substitution cover; 临时钢支柱 {采矿} roof jack; 临时工 casual laborers; temporary workers; odd-jobbers; seasonal workers; fill-in; 临时构筑物 booth (pl. booths); 临时股份 temporary share; 临时股票 scrip; 临时股票持有者 scrip holder; 临时罐道 temporary guide; 临时过境证 ATA carnets; 临时过夜客 overnight transient; 临时巷道 {矿} temporary working; 临时横撑 {采矿} false stull; 临时互助组 temporary mutual-aid teams; provisional mutual-aid teams; seasonal mutual-aid teams; 临时户口 temporary residence permit; 临时基底型应变计 {物} strain gauge with temporary base; 临时机场 opportunity airfield; 临时机动部队 emergency mobile forces; 临时记号 temporal sign; 临时记事本 blotter; 临时降价 temporary reduction; 临时接入或撤出 {讯} patch in or out; 临时接线 {电工} patch; 临时进口证 ATA carnet (admission temporaire carnet); 临时拘留 temporary detention; 临时军火列车 provisional ammunition train; 临时开支 interim charge; interim expenses; 临时客车 passenger extra; 临时扣押 interim attachment; 临时利润 threshhold returns; 临时铆钉 temporary rivet; 临时棚屋 (澳) mia-mia; 临时凭证 scrip; 临时铺板 {船} waist board; 临时起岸报(送)单 bill of sight; 临时牵条船 harpin; 临时桥 temporary bridge; 临时区域 temporary realm; 临时权力机构 provisional organ of state power; 临时燃烧器 extra burner; 临时山洪 arroyo-running; 临时设备表 special list of equipment; 临时试验 interim trial; 临时收据 interim receipt; temporary receipt; 临时收入账户 temporary receipts account; 临时收益 nonrecurring gains; nonrecurring income; 临时替用线 relief track; relief line; 临时填补物 fill-in; 临时调挡 makeshift; 临时停火 suspension of arms; 临时停机 hesitation; 临时通融 temporary accommodation; 临时透支 occasional overcraft; 临时舞台 makeshift stage; 临时协议 interim agreement; provisional agreement; 临时修理 temporary repair; running repair; 临时许可进口 admission temporaire; 临时演员 atmosphere person; 临时移动装置 makeshift; 临时议程 provisional agenda; 临时应急装置 {采矿} juryrig; 临时用户 casual user; 临时邮票 provisional; 临时预算 temporary budget; 临时载荷 short-time load; 临时暂定价格 provisional price; 临时(事故备用)闸门 emergency gate; 临时张索 gilguy; 临时证书 {外} temporary credentials; temporary papers; 临时政府 provisional (interim) government; 临时支撑{建} underpinning; 临时支撑扶垛 erisma; 临时支护 {采矿} gib; temporary lining; temporary support; 临时职工 temporary employee; 临时执照 provisional certificate; temporary licence; 临时终点站 railhead; 临时仲裁裁决 interim award; 临时主席 interim chairman; 临时住房 barong-barong (菲); 临时住宿之处 crashpad; 临时桩 grouser; 临时准备应考 cramming; 临时作业 one-shot job |
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