

 (构词成分)见下。另见 è; wū; wù。
 2) 恶(惡)
 (何; 哪里) how; what's there
 (表示惊讶) Oh; hum; well:
  恶, 是何言也? Well, what are you talking about?
 另见 è; wù。
 3) 恶(惡)
 (很坏的行为; 犯罪的事情) evil; vice; wickedness:
  无恶不作 stop at nothing in doing evil;
  罪大恶极 guilty of the most heinous crimes;
  作恶多端 commit all sorts of wickedness
 (凶恶; 凶狠; 凶猛) fierce; ferocious:
  恶狗 a ferocious (vicious) dog; cur;
  恶骂 vicious abuse;
 (恶劣; 坏) bad; evil; wicked:
  恶势力 evil force;
  恶行 evil (wicked) conduct
 另见 ě; wū; wù。
 4) 恶(惡)
 (讨厌; 憎恨) dislike; hate; loathe; disgust:
  好恶 likes and dislikes;
  可恶 loathsome; hateful;
  好逸恶劳 love ease and hate work;
  深恶痛绝 hate bitterly
 另见 è; wū。




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