

字词 恢复
释义 恢复
 huī fù
 (变成原样) resume; renew; return to:
  恢复邦交 resume diplomatic relations;
  恢复正常 return to normal;
  预期很快能恢复交通。 Traffic is expected to be resumed shortly.
 (使变成原样) recover; regain; recuperate; revive:
  恢复元气 resume one's spirits; recover energy or strength;
  恢复健康 recover one's health;
  恢复青春 regain youth;
  恢复知觉 recover consciousness; come to;
  从疲劳中恢复过来 recover from fatigue;
  他的视力已恢复。 He was restored to his sight.
 (把失去的收回) restore; reinstate; rehabilitate; resurgent; resurret; reinstate sb. in; regenerate:
  恢复公民权 restitution of civil rights;
  恢复名誉 rehabilitation (of a person's reputation);
  恢复行使主权 resume the exercise of sovereignty;
  恢复原职务 reinstate sb. in his post; the resumption of one's duties;
  这座城市终于恢复了平静。 Peace was finally restored in the city.
 恢复本领 recuperative capacity;
 恢复比 recovery ratio;
 恢复搏动 preparatory stroke;
 恢复操作信号 enabling signal;
 恢复常态 crash (吸服毒品后);
 恢复程序 rerun routine;
 恢复处理 recovery processing;
 恢复打印码 print restore;
 恢复电路 restoring circuit;
 恢复电压 recovery voltage;
 恢复二极管 recovery diode; restorer diode;
 恢复法 restoring method;
 恢复符 demodiflier;
 恢复工作 resume work;
 恢复光束 restitution beam;
 恢复过程 rejuvenation; recovery procedure;
 恢复力 recuperability; memory (指材料); restoring force;
 恢复力矩 righting moment; countermoment;
 恢复继电器 reset relay;
 恢复加工 recovery processing;
 恢复率 recovery rate; recovery ratio; restoration ratio;
 恢复能力 {讯} recovery capability; recuperability;
 恢复培养基 recovery media;
 恢复器 restorer; retriever;
 恢复设备 restorer;
 恢复时间 recovery time; restoring time; retrieval time; time of recover;
 恢复室 recovery room;
 恢复速度 recovery rate;
 恢复系数 recovery coefficient;
 恢复项目 restored (rehabilitated) construction item (project);
 恢复因数 recovery factor;
 恢复元件 resetter;
 恢复载波 reinsertion of carrier;
 恢复载频 carrier reinsertion;
 恢复正常操作 enabling;
 恢复周期 restore cycle




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