字词 | 快速 |
释义 | 快速 kuài sù fast; quick; high-speed; speedy; rapidity; fleetness; up tempo; pycno-; pykno- 快速安平装置 {地测} quick-levelling head; 快速巴氏灭菌法 flash pasteurization; 快速拔梢 quick taper; 快速扳手 speeder wrench; 快速编码 fast coding; speed coding; 快速变负荷能力 quick load change capability; 快速变换 fast transformation; 快速变换齿轮箱 {机} quick-change gearbox; 快速变换装置 quick-change gearing; quick-change gears; quick change attachment; 快速变频磁控管 fast frequency shift magnetron; 快速并行运算器 fast parallel arithmetic; 快速波 fast wave; 快速布雷区 {军} hasty mine field; 快速部队 mobile force (troops, unit); 快速测定 rapid determination; 快速测定法 rapid test method; 快速测高 {地测} flying level; 快速测量 hasty survey; 快速测微仪 flying micrometer; 快速乘除法 fast multiplier; 快速乘法器 fast multiplier; 快速传输 {讯} burst transmission; 快速传真 quick fax; 快速磁带部件 hyper-tape unit; 快速存储器 {自} high-speed storage; rapid memory; rapid storage; active memory; fast store; high-speed memory; immediate access storage; quick-access memory; rapid-access storage (memory); short access storage; 快速打印机 quick printer; rapid printer; 快速大马车 whirlicote; 快速代码 speed code; 快速倒带 fast rewind; 快速倒片 quick rewind; 快速道路 through street; 快速地面部队 mobile ground forces; 快速地址 fast address; 快速电报 high-speed telegraph; 快速电路 fast circuit; 快速电压控制 quick-response voltage control; 快速电铸 rapid electrotyping; 快速电子束 high-velocity electron beam; 快速吊机 express lift; 快速定位法 quick astrofix; 快速定线客运 rapid transit; 快速定向 slewing; hasty orienting; 快速定影液 rapid fixing solution; 快速动作阀 regeneration valve; 快速断电 {冶} fast break; 快速断裂 fast fracture; 快速对称透镜 rapid symmetrical lens; 快速二次查询 quick after look; 快速发报机 high speed telegraph transmitter; 快速发报键 {讯} bug key; 快速发汽锅炉 Serpollet boiler (蒸汽机车用); 快速发射飞弹 snapper missile; 快速帆船 clipper; heeler; 快速帆舰 galleass; galliass; 快速翻译语言 {自} Quicktran; 快速反击 fast counter-attack; 快速反转系统 rapid inversion system; 快速访问磁道 revolver; {计} revolver track; 快速访问道 revolver; regenerative track; 快速访问环 rapid-access loop; 快速放大器 fast amplifier; 快速飞剪 snap shears (剪切钢材前端); 快速肥育 rapid fattening; 快速分度 quick index(ing); rapid indexing; 快速分类 quick sort; 快速粉末冶金 flush sintering; 快速辐射热测量计 fast bolometer; 快速符合电路 fast coincidence circuit; 快速傅(付)圭叶变换 fast Fourier transform; 快速干燥 rapid drying; 快速干道 expressway; 快速工艺 shock processing; 快速攻击水雷 rapid attack mine; 快速公路 {土} expressway; limited-access highway; autopista (西班牙语国家); autoput (南斯拉夫); autoroute (法语国家); 快速故障防护 scram protection; 快速固化 expediting setting; 快速挂结犁 fast-hitch plow; 快速光电倍增管 fast response photomultiplier; 快速过滤 rapid filtration; 快速过滤器 rapid filter; 快速焊接 faster welding; highspeed welding; 快速横动 fast traverse; rapid traverse; repid traverse drive; 快速烘干 flash baking; flash drying; 快速划线法 quick marking method; 快速滑动 sway; 快速滑动刀架 quick-action slide tool; 快速滑行 taxi heat; 快速化学反应 {物化} fast chemical reaction; 快速化验室 express laboratory; 快速恢复电路 taibiter; 快速恢复二极管 fast recovery diode; 快速恢复硅整流器 fast recovery siliconrectifier; 快速恢复时间 instantaneous recovery time; 快速回程缸 regenerative actuator; regenerative cylinder; 快速回程机构 rapid-return traverse; 快速回火 prompt tempering; snap tempering; 快速回零 {钟} fly back; 快速回零机能 {钟} flyback action; 快速回吸成型 {工} snap-back forming; 快速回转 fast cornering; 快速回转油真空泵 Speedivac rotary oil pump; 快速混合机 positive mixer; 快速混砂机 speed muller; 快速活动靶 fast moving target; 快速货运 hot-short; accelerated goods traffic; send goods by express; 快速机动布雷 quickly mobile minelaying; 快速机动部队 flying camp; 快速激光印刷 high-speed laser print; 快速集群 mobile grouping; 快速集装箱装卸方式 speedtainer system; 快速计算 rapid calculation; 快速计算机 high-speed computer; high-speed calculator; real-time machine; 快速(响应)记录 fast-response recorder; 快速记录器 quick-acting recorder; 快速记录示波器 rapid-record oscilloscope; 快速继电器 {电子} high-speed relay; 快速加热 flash heat; 快速加热炉 rapid heating furnace; 快速加热器 rapid heater; 快速加温 quick warmup (发动机的); 快速加载系统 quick-loading system; 快速夹紧夹具 rapid clamping fixture; 快速坚牢染料 rapid fast dye; 快速检修法 high-speed repair; 快速减敏(性) tachysnthsis; tachyphylaxis; 快速降下 downhill ski-racing; straight ski-racing; 快速交错 fast crosstalk; 快速交付 accelerated delivery; 快速接近 fast traverse forwards; 快速接头 quick disconnect coupling; 快速截止阀 rapid closing stop valve; 快速进带 fast forward; 快速进带键 forward wind key; 快速进给 fast feed; quick feed; rapid approach; rapid feed; 快速进化 tachytelic evolution; 快速晶闸管 high speed thyristor; 快速精 rapidogen; 快速卷积 fast convolution; 快速掘进 {采矿} speedy drivage; 快速卡片读出机 high-speed card reader; 快速开关 high-speed switch; 快速开关管 rapidly switched tube; 快速开关运动 rapid switching movement; 快速开关装置 fast-switching arrangement; 快速可锻铁 {冶} quick malleable iron; 快速客(运火)车 advanced passenger train (APT); 快速客运 personal rapid transit; 快速空转 fast idle; 快速控制 split-second control; fast control; 快速控制器 fast controller; 快速快门 no-delay gate; 快速扩大 proliferation; 快速老化 quick ag(e)ing; rapid ageing; 快速雷管 fast cap; 快速犁 high-speed plough; 快速离合器 fierce clutch; 快速励磁 high-speed excitation; quick (rapid)-response excitation; 快速励磁调整 quick-response excitation control; 快速联接拉杆 quick hitch arm; 快速联接器 quick connector; 快速联接装置 fast hitch mechanism; 快速联轴节 quick-attachable coupling; snap coupling; 快速联轴器 rapid coupler; 快速列车 rapid; highball; 快速灵敏进给 rapid and sensitive feed; 快速硫化 short vulcanization; 快速硫化法 quick cure; 快速流态化 fast fluidization; 快速滤清器 rapid sand filter bed; 快速免疫(法) tachysynthesis; tachyphylaxis; tachyphlaxis; 快速瞄准 slewing; 快速灭磁 quick de-excitation; 快速内存储器 rapid internal storage; 快速凝固 flash set; 快速凝固粉末合金 rapid solidification rate powder alloy; 快速排气阀 rapid escape valve; 快速疲劳试验 rapid fatigue test; 快速平行运算器 fast parallel arithmetic; 快速平行运算装置 fast parallel arithmetic unit; 快速普查 quick census (统计调查); 快速起动灯 quick start lamp; 快速起伏 rapid fluctuation; 快速启动 quick start; 快速切断 quick-acting switching-off; 快速切断阀 rapid cut-off valve; 快速切削 flycut; fly-cutting; rapid stock-removal; 快速燃烧 conflagration; 快速染色 rapid dyeing; 快速热风烘燥机 hurricane drier; 快速熔断器 fast-acting fuse; 快速熔断丝 rapid fuse; 快速熔丝保险器 quick-break cut-out; 快速扫描 rapid scanning; high-speed sweep; 快速扫描示波器 high-speed oscilloscope; 快速砂滤池 {土} rapid sand filter; 快速烧成 quick firing; 快速烧结 flash sintering; rapid sintering; 快速摄影 high-speed cinematography; 快速摄影机 pistolgraph; high speed motion picture camera; 快速射击瞄准具 snap-shoot sight; 快速时间比例 {自} fast time scale; 快速时间控制 fast time control (FTC); 快速食品 fast-food; 快速试验 high speed test; 快速释放 quick release; 快速释放哨 quick-release latch; 快速收尘 rapid dust collection; 快速书写储存管 storage tube with fast writing speed; 快速数据处理 rapid assimilation of data; 快速数字计算机 high-speed digital computer; 快速双向开关 fast bi-directional switch; 快速双效水压机 Fastraverse (platen) press; 快速水准测量 flying level; 快速松放连杆 quick-release pitman; 快速送进 swift feed; 快速搜索侦察 rapid-scanning reconnaissance; 快速探测器 fast detector; 快速提升装置 quick-lift attachreactor; 快速调换部分 black box; 快速调换器 quick-change adapter (铣刀的); 快速调谐电路 speed tuning circuit; 快速调整 rapid adjustment; 快速停闭 quick close down; 快速停堆 {核子} scram; 快速停堆系统 {核子} scram system; 快速停送 quick closedown; 快速停止机构 scramming mechanism; 快速通信 high-speed traffic; rapid communication; 快速同步 quick lock in; 快速退回运动 drag link motion; 快速退火炉 quick anneal oven; short anneal oven; short annealing furnace; 快速脱扣机构 quick-release mechanism; high-speed tripping mechanism; 快速脱缆钩 quick releasing hook; 快速微型继电器 fast-acting micro-relay; 快速下降档 quick-drop catch; 快速显影 rapid development; 快速相关 fast correlation; 快速相关器 high-speed correlator; 快速响应 fast response; 快速响应磁放大器 fast response magnetic amplifier; 快速响应电路 fast response circuit; 快速响应红外装置 fast-response infrared device; 快速响应激光流量计 fast-response laser flowmeter; 快速相变测定仪 eutectometer; 快速信息处理机 rapid processor unit; 快速星 fast-moving star; 快速性 rapidity; 快速修理垫圈 quick-repair washer; 快速序列照相机 {光} rapid sequence camera; 快速旋转式接插件 coronet coupling; 快速选择器 {自} rapid selector; 快速血红蛋白 fast hemoglobin; 快速循环取数区 revolver; revolver track; high-speed loop; 快速压紧盖 snap in cover; 快速眼动睡眠 {心理} rapid-eye-movement sleep; 快速眼运动 rapid eye movement; 快速演化地 tachytely; 快速演化恒星 fast evolving star; 快速演替 rapid succession; 快速延迟轴 fast retardation axis; 快速摇镜头 swish pan; 快速摇摄 whip pan; zippan; 快速移动 quick travel; rapid transit; 快速印刷穿孔装置 flexowrite; 快速印刷装置 flexowrite; high speed printer; 快速“与”电路 fast coincidence circuit; 快速越程 jump feed; 快速运动 quick movement; rapid movement; 快速运转 fast turn-around; 快速凿孔机 high-speed perforator; 快速增减负荷 sudden load-changing; 快速增益控制 fast-time gain control; 快速眨眼 blepharospasm; 快速斩波器 fast chopper; 快速照相放映显示设备 rapid photographic and projection display; 快速遮光器 fast chopper; 快速制冰 rapid ice making; 快速振动方向 {光} fast-vibration direction; 快速蒸发 flashing; 快速蒸化 {纺} shock ageing; 快速蒸熏 short damping; 快速直线透镜 rapid rectilinear lens; 快速制动伺服机构 rapid action brake servo; 快速主轴调整 quick spindle adjustment (钻床); 快速转储 high speed dump; 快速转换 fast conversion; quick switching; 快速转换法 rapid inversion method; 快速转接 fast switch over; 快速转弯 (口) flipperturn; 快速装配接合 quickfit joint; 快速装卸 customary quick despatch; 快速装卸片装置 instant loading device; 快速准确接上 quick correct plug-in; 快速自动检查设备 rapid automatic checkout equipment; 快速自动增益控制 {电子} fast automatic gain control; 快速自转星 fast rotating star; 快速总线 high-speed bus; 快速走带 fast feed; 快速钻井技术 high-speed drilling technology; 快速最优控制系统 time optimum control system; 快速作业 sharp work |
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