

字词 循环
释义 循环
 xún huán
 circulate; circle; round; repeat; loop; period; recurrence; cycling; circulating; mixing; circulation; rotation; recursion:
  循环不息 move in endless cycles;
  恶性循环 vicious circle;
  四季的循环 the cycle of the seasons;
  血液循环 blood circulation;
  体外循环 extracorporal circulation;
  四程循环{机} four stroke cycle
 循环报表 cycle billing;
 循环悖论 recurrence paradox;
 循环本体 loop body;
 循环泵 circulator; circulating pump;
 循环比 recycle ratio;
 循环变换 cyclical-transformation;
 循环变换器 cycloconverter;
 循环变量 cyclic variable;
 循环表 cycle list;
 循环表示 cyclic representation;
 循环不定状态 race-around condition;
 循环操作 {化工} cycling; looperation; looping execution;
 循环槽 circulating slot;
 循环乘积码 cyclic product code;
 循环齿链 jack chain;
 循环传送 cyclic transfer;
 循环磁带 cyclic tape; endless tape;
 循环磁带放音机 tefiphone;
 循环磁带录音机 endless tape recorder;
 循环磁化 cyclic magnetization;
 循环磁滞 rotational hysteresis;
 循环磁状态 cyclic magnetic condition;
 循环次数 cycle-index;
 循环次数计数器 {自} cycle index counter;
 循环次序 circular order; cyclic order;
 循环存储 circulating memory;
 循环存储器 cyclic storage; cyclic memory; circulating storage; cyclic store; circulating store; circulating memory; recirculating store; cycle storage;
 循环电路 cycling circuit;
 循环调度 round-robin scheduling;
 循环定压力压法 follow-up pressure process;
 循环对称 cyclosymmetry;
 循环二进码 cyclic binary code;
 循环二进制单位间距码 cyclic binary unit-distance code;
 循环二进制码 {自} cyclic binary code;
 循环法 round-robin method;
 循环方程 cyclic equation;
 循环防止 prevention of cycling;
 循环废钢铁 circulating scrap;
 循环风机 circulating fan;
 循环复位 cycle reset;
 循环公式 recurrent formula;
 循环购买 circular buying;
 循环关系 recurrence relation;
 循环规则 cycline rule;
 循环锅炉 combined-circulation once-through boiler;
 循环过程 {热} cycle; cyclic process;
 循环行列式 cyclic determinant; recurrent determinant; circulant;
 循环恒等式 cyclic identity;
 循环换流器 cycloconverter;
 循环回路 circulation loop;
 循环混合 recycle mixing;
 循环基金 revolving fund;
 循环机能减弱 hyposphxia;
 循环积分器 cyclic integrator;
 循环集 cycle set;
 循环寄存器 circulating register;
 循环计时器 cycle timer;
 循环计数 cycle count;
 循环计数器 cycle counter;
 循环记录 cycle index;
 循环加速器 cyclic accelerator;
 循环检查程序 loop checker;
 循环检索 chaining search;
 循环检验 circular test; cyclical test;
 循环交换 revolving swaps;
 循环校验 cyclic check;
 循环节 loop body; recurring period
 (循环小数的); (首尾)循环借位 end-around borrow;
 循环进位 end-around carry shift; chain carry;
 循环矩阵 circular matrix; cyclic matrix;
 循环控制 cycle control;
 循环控制装置 cycler;
 循环扩张 cyclic extention;
 循环利用 cyclic utilization;
 循环连分数 periodic continued fraction; recurring continued fraction;
 循环量子 fluxoid;
 循环流动 circulatory flow; circular flow;
 循环流化床 recirculating fluidized bed;
 循环流体 circulating fluid;
 循环录音 endless track sound recording;
 循环论 theory of cycle;
 循环滤波器 recursive filter;
 循环滤油器 circulating oil strainer;
 循环孪生 cyclic twinning;
 循环码 cyclic code; reflected code; modified binary code; chain code;
 循环酶 cyclophorase;
 循环幂级数 recurring power progression; recurring power series;
 循环模 cyclic module; module of cycles;
 循环模数转换器 circulation AD converter;
 循环排队网络 cyclic queuing network;
 循环排列 circular permutation; cyclic permutation; cyclic queues;
 循环盘存(盘点) cycle inventory; cycle count;
 循环判定 cycle criterion;
 循环判据 cycle-criterion;
 循环器 circulator; recirculator; circulizer;
 循环气冷电动机 air-to-air cooled motor;
 循环球式转向器 recirculating ball-type steering;
 循环区 {冶} race way;
 循环曲线 cyclic curve;
 循环群 cyclic (cyclical) group;
 循环燃料反应堆 {核子} circulating fuel reactor;
 循环润滑 circulating lubricating;
 循环冗余码校验 {自} cyclic redundancy check (CRC);
 循环冗余码符号 cyclic redundancy check character;
 循环冗余码检验 cyclic redundancy check;
 循环入口 loop head;
 循环赛 round robin match;
 循环扫描 scan round; scan-round;
 循环色谱法 recycle chromatography;
 循环时间 cycle time; cycling time;
 循环时期 cyclostage;
 循环寿命 cycle life;
 循环数码 cyclic-digit code;
 循环数模转换器 cyclic DA converter;
 循环水 vadose (recirculating) water;
 循环水泵 water circulating pump;
 循环水槽 circulating water chennel;
 循环算法 round-robin algorithm;
 循环缩减法 cyclic reduction method;
 循环提升磨 double rotor mills;
 循环体 loop body;
 循环调整cyclic adjustment;
 循环停机{自} loop stop; stop loop;
 循环同步 around synchronization;
 循环退火 cycle annealing;
 循环网络 recirculating network;
 循环微波激射器 circulator maser;
 循环文件 circular file;
 循环系统 cyclic system; recycle system; system circulatorium;
 循环系统疾病 circulation system diseases;
 循环相关 circular correlation;
 循环小数 repeater; circulator; circulating decimal; periodic decimal; periodical fraction; recurring decimal; repeating decimal;
 循环效率 cycle efficieny;
 循环信用证(状) revolving credit; revolving letter of credit;
 循环型态 cyclic pattern;
 循环序向 cyclic ordering;
 循环训练 circuit training;
 循环盐 cyclic salt;
 循环延迟选择器 cycle delay selector;
 循环遥测 cyclic telemetering;
 循环一体化 circular integration;
 循环移位 shift cycle; circular shift; cyclic shift; nonarithmetic shift; end-around shift; end-around-carry shift; ring shift;
 循环优先数 rotation priority;
 循环油 recycle oil;
 循环语句 {计} Do statement; for statement; for-loop (ALGOL用);
 循环语句组 DO-group;
 循环域 range of a loop;
 循环约化法 cyclic reduction method;
 循环运行 circular flow;
 循环载荷 cyclic loading;
 循环再补给 {军} recurring issue;
 (血液)循环障碍 dyshaemia; dyshemia; dysemia;
 循环障碍性缺氧 stagnant anoxia;
 循环诊断算法 cyclic diagnosis algorithm;
 循环整流器 cyclorectifier;
 循环执行 looping execution;
 循环指标 cycle indicator;
 循环指令 recursion instruction; loop command;
 循环指针 cycle index;
 循环置换 cyclic permutation;
 循环置换标题索引 permuted-title index; permutation idex;
 循环制碱法 cyclic process soda production;
 循环制约 cyclic constraint;
 循环状态 recurrent state;
 循环准则 cycle criterion;
 循环子句 {计} for clause;
 循环子空间 cyclic subspace;
 循环坐标 cyclic coordinate




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