

字词 徘徊
释义 徘徊
 pái huái
 (来回走) pace up and down; linger about; tramp:
  徘徊在森林中 wander through the woods;
  无目的地在路上徘徊 wander up and down the road aimlessly;
  在某处徘徊 hover about a place;
  在街上徘徊 wander up and down (about) the street; pace up and down; walk back and forth
 (犹豫不决) hesitate; waver; hover:
  徘徊不前 hesitate to press forward;
  在生死关头徘徊 hover between life and death
  {经} fluctuate
 徘徊白蚁 wander termite;
 徘徊青霉素 palitantin;
 徘徊者 roamer;
 徘徊蜘蛛 wandering spider




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