

 (用在动词后面, 表示能够或可以):
  她去得, 我为什么去不得? If she can go, why can't I go?
  这种蘑菇吃得, 那种吃不得。 This kind of mushroom is edible, but that kind is not.
 (用在动词和补语中间, 表示可能):
  听得懂 be able to understand;
  那办得到。 That can be done.
  她回得来吗? Can she get back?
 (用在动词或形容词后面, 连接表示程度或结果的补语):
  唱得不好 not sing well;
  冷得打哆嗦 shiver with cold;
  笑得肚子痛 laugh till one's sides split;
  雪下得很大。 It's snowing heavily.
 另见 dé; děi。
 (得到) get; obtain; gain:
  光靠等待是什么也得不到的。 There is nothing to be gained by merely waiting.
  今天的幸福生活得来不易。 The happy life we have today was not easily won.
  她在花式跳水中得了最高分。 She got the highest score in fancy diving.
  我们得了一笔政府贷款。 We obtained a loan from the government.
 (演算产生结果) (of a calculation) result in:
  3加2得5。 Three plus two is five.
 (染上疾病) take; catch:
  得病 be taken ill; fall ill;
  快到年底时他得了腥红热。 Towards the end of the year he caught scarlet fever.
  我的胃病就是这么得的。 That was how I got my gastric trouble.
  (口) (完成) be finished; be ready:
  饭得了。 Dinner is ready.
  那幢房子快要建得了。 The house will soon be finished.
 (用在别的动词前, 表示许可):
  这笔钱非经批准不得动用。 This fund may not be drawn on without permission.
  得, 就这么办。 All right! Just go ahead.
  得了, 别再说了。 That's enough. Let it go at that.
 (用于情况变坏时, 表示无可奈何):
  得, 又搞错了! Look! I've got it wrong again!
 (适合) fit; proper:
  得用 fit for use; handy
  (书)(得意) satisfied; complacent:
  洋洋自得 be very pleased with oneself; be complacent
 (姓氏) a surname:
  得来 De Lai
 另见 de; děi。
 (需要) need:
  从我家走到学校得20分钟。 It takes me twenty minutes to walk from my home to the school.
  这个工程得3个月才能完。 This project will take three months to complete.
 (必须; 必要) must; have to:
  得用功 must be more studious;
  你得认真考虑一下。 You must think it over seriously.
  我得马上回去。 I must be going back at once.
  我得事先告诉他。 I have to tell him in advance.
 (表示揣测的必然) be sure to:
  要不快走, 我们就得迟到。 We'll be late if we don't hurry.
 另见 dé; de。




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