

字词 往返
释义 往返
 wǎng fǎn
 (来回) go there and back; come and go; arrive and depart:
  往返要4个小时。 It takes four hours to go there and back.
 (反复) journey to and fro:
  往返于京津之间 travel to and fro between Beijing and Tianjin;
  往返奔波 ceaselessly come and go
 往返法 back-and-forth method;
 往返飞行轨道 {航天} round-trip trajectory;
 往返航程 round voyage;
 往返航程租船合同 round charter;
 往返贸易 countertrade;
 往返时间 round-trip time;
 往返吸注(脊髓)麻醉法 barbotage;
 往返行程计数器 lift counter;
 往返运费 freight out and home




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