

 (去) go:
  来往 come and go;
  寒来暑往 as summer goes and winter comes
 (过去的) past; previous:
  往昔 in the past;
  一如既往 just as in the past
 (向) toward; in the direction of; to:
  往天上看 look up to the sky;
  往东走去 go in an eastward direction;
  昨天有一架飞机飞往大连。 An airplane started for Dalian yesterday.
 另见 wàng。
 2) 往(望)
 (向) toward; to:
  往好 (坏)处想 think of the better (unfavourable) possibilities of a situation;
  往前走 go forward;
  往后退 retreat backward;
  往右拐 turn to the right;
  劲往一处使 all directing their efforts toward the same goal;
  水往低处流。 Water naturally flows downhill.; Water always finds its own level.
 另见 wǎng。




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