

 (勉强) make an effort; strive:
  强作笑脸 force a smile;
  强作镇静 make an effort to appear composed; try hard to keep one's composure
 另见 jiàng; qiáng。
 2) 强(強、彊)
 (强硬不屈; 固执) stubborn; unyielding:
  倔强 unbending; unyielding
 另见 qiáng; qiǎng。
 3) 强(強、彊)
 (力量大; 程度高) strong; powerful:
  富强 prosperous and powerful;
  能力很强 very capable;
  强敌 formidable enemy;
  身强体壮 strong and healthy;
  责任心强 have a strong sense of responsibility
 (优越; 好)better:
  我们的生活条件一年比一年强。 Our living conditions are getting better each year.
  一代更比一代强。 Each generation surpasses the preceding one.
  这块布的质量比那块布的强。 The quality of this cloth is better than that one's.
 (略多些) slightly more than; plus:
  三分之一强 slightly more than one third
 (使用强力; 强迫) by force:
  强令执行 arbitrarily give orders to carry out sth.;
  强取 take by force; extort
 (姓氏) a surname:
  强华 Qiang Hua
 另见 jiàng; qiǎng。




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