

字词 弹性
释义 弹性
 tán xìng
 (弹力) elasticity; resilience; spring; stress
 (事物的伸缩性) elastic; flexible:
  这些规定是有弹性的。 These regulations are elastic.
 弹性摆轮 resilient escapement;
 弹性半空间 elastic half-space;
 弹性绷带 elastoplast;
 弹性边界 elastic boundary;
 弹性变形 {力} strain; elastic deformation;
 弹性变形断裂 elastic break-down;
 弹性变形功 resilience work of deformation;
 弹性玻璃丝垫 vibramat;
 弹性波 elastic wave;
 弹性波测量 elastic wave measurement;
 弹性波法 wave velocity method;
 弹性不稳定性 elastic instability;
 弹性材料 elastic material;
 弹性残留变形 elastic drift;
 弹性常数 elastic constant;
 弹性车轮 elastic wheel;
 弹性迟滞性 elastic hysteresis;
 弹性弛豫时间 elastic relaxation time;
 弹性齿轮 resilient gear;
 弹性齿圈 resilient gear ring;
 弹性传动 resilient drive;
 弹性(硬)蛋白 elastin;
 弹性蛋白酶 elastase;
 弹性蛋白标 elastose;
 弹性蛋白原 tropoelastin;
 弹性挡圈 circlip;
 弹性道床 elastic roadbed;
 弹性地潮 elastic earth tide;
 弹性地基 elastic foundation;
 弹性垫板 resilient sleeper-bearing;
 弹性垫圈 elastic washer;
 弹性垫座 bumper block;
 弹性电阻(效应) elastoresistance;
 弹性电阻系数 elastoresistance coefficient;
 弹性吊架 {电工} flexible suspension;
 弹性蝶铰 resilium;
 弹性顶尖 centre with endlong movement; movable centre;
 弹性动力学 elastodynamics;
 弹性分析 elastic analysis;
 弹性反冲 elastic recoil;
 弹性复元 elastic recovery;
 弹性干扰物 resilient chaff;
 弹性刚度 elastic stiffness;
 弹性刚度常数 elastic stiffness constant;
 弹性高分子物质 elastomer;
 弹性高聚物 elastopolymer;
 弹性隔片 resilient spacer;
 弹性各向同性 elastic isotropy;
 弹性各向异性 elastic anisotropy;
 弹性工作时间 flexible working hours; flextime;
 弹性构件 elastic component;
 弹性构造 elastic construction;
 弹性光(致产)生 elastic photoproduction;
 弹性合金 elastic alloy;
 弹性后效 {力} elastic aftereffect; elastic lag;
 弹性缓冲器 elastic buffer;
 弹性回复 elastic recovery; elastic come-back;
 弹性回能 elastic resilience;
 弹性回弹 elastic recoil; elastic resilience;
 弹性回跳 elastic resilience;
 弹性回跳说 elastic rebound hypothesis;
 弹性汇率 flexible exchange rate;
 弹性火焰管 expanding flue;
 弹性货币供应 elastic money supply;
 弹性基础 elastic foundation;
 弹性极限 elastic limit; limit of elasticity;
 弹性极限应力 proff stress;
 弹性计 elastometer;
 弹性计划 elastic plan;
 弹性记忆(效应) elastic memory;
 弹性假黄瘤 pseudoxanthoma elasticum;
 弹性接合 elastic joint; resilient joint;
 弹性接头 expansion joint;
 弹性结构导弹 elastic missile;
 弹性金属接头 swing joint;
 弹性静力学 elastostatics;
 弹性劲度常数 elastic stiffness constant;
 弹性矩阵 elastic matrix;
 弹性抗 elastic reactance;
 弹性壳体 elastic shell;
 弹性扣板 elastic pinch plate;
 弹性扣件 spring clip;
 弹性离合器 elastic clutch;
 弹性理论 elastic theory;
 弹性力 elastic force;
 弹性力学 elasticity mechanics;
 弹性沥青 elaterite; dopplerite;
 弹性联接 {电磁} flexible coupling;
 弹性联轴节(器) elastic coupling; elastic joint;
 弹性灵敏度 elastic sensitivity;
 弹性硫塑料 thioplast; elastothiomer;
 弹性流体动力润滑 elastohydrodynamic lubrication;
 弹性流体动力学 elastohydrodynamics;
 弹性流体动压润滑 elastic hydrodynamic lubrication;
 弹性螺母 elastic nut;
 弹性密封 {工} elastic packing; elastic seal;
 弹性模 springform;
 弹性模量 modulus of elasticity;
 弹性模量比 modular ratio;
 弹性模量试验 elasticity modulus test;
 弹性膜 elastic membrane;
 弹性膜模型 elastic membrane model;
 弹性木 lancewood;
 弹性能 elastic energy resilience;
 弹性尼龙 stretchy nylon;
 弹性(组织)粘蛋白 elastomucin;
 弹性粘度计 elastoviscometer;
 弹性凝胶 elastic gel;
 弹性碰撞 elastic collision;
 弹性疲乏 elastic fatigue;
 弹性破坏 elastic break-down; elastic failure;
 弹性谱 elastic spectrum;
 弹性牵引 elastic traction;
 弹性迁移 elastic moval;
 弹性前驱波 elastic precursor wave;
 弹性前效 elastic fore-effect;
 弹性切力极限测定计 pachimeter;
 弹性球 elastic ball;
 弹性屈曲 {力} elastic buckling;
 弹性驱动 elastic drive;
 弹性挠曲 elastic deflection;
 弹性柔顺常数 elastic compliance constant;
 弹性散射 elastic scattering;
 弹性砂轮 elastic grinding wheel;
 弹性纱线 elastomeric yarn;
 弹性上班制 flextime;
 弹性伸长 elastic elongation;
 弹性声抗 elastic acoustical reactance;
 弹性失稳 elastic instability;
 弹性失效 elastic failure;
 弹性失效压力 elastic break down pressure;
 弹性试验 elasticity test;
 弹性势能 elastic potential energy;
 弹性树胶 India-rubber gum elastic;
 弹性顺度 elastic compliance;
 弹性塑料 elastoplastic; plastelast;
 弹性塑性体 elastoplastic body;
 弹性随动件 spring follower;
 弹性隧道效应 elastic tunneling effect;
 弹性套管 spring-backed quill;
 弹性特性 elastic characteristic;
 弹性体 elastomer; elastic body;
 弹性体密封 elastomeric seal;
 弹性填密环 elastic packing ring;
 弹性湍流 elastic turbulence;
 弹性退让轴承 elastically yielding bearing;
 弹性外交 elastic diplomacy;
 弹性弯曲强度 transverse elasticity;
 弹性位移 elastic displacement;
 弹性稳定性 elastic stability;
 弹性误差 elastic error;
 弹性系数 coefficient of elasticity; modulus of elasticity;
 弹性狭织物 {纺} elastic;
 弹性限 (度) elastic limit;
 弹性纤维 spandex;
 弹性纤维假黄瘤 pseudoxanthoma elasticum;
 弹性纤维瘤 elastic fibroma; elastofibroma;
 弹性线 elastica;
 弹性响应 elastic response;
 弹性楔接头 elastic wedge joint;
 弹性胁变 elastic strain;
 弹性性质 elastic property;
 弹性形变 elastic deformation;
 弹性悬架 spring suspension;
 弹性学 elasticity;
 弹性压力计 elastic manometer;
 弹性压缩 elastic compression;
 弹性阉割 elastration;
 弹性因瓦合金 elinvar;
 弹性影响函数 obliviator;
 弹性硬蛋白 elasticin; elastin;
 弹性硬蛋白酶 elastase; elastinase;
 弹性应变 elastic strain;
 弹性油灰 bouncing putty;
 弹性油泥 {材} bouncing putty;
 弹性元件 elastic element;
 弹性圆锥 conus elasticus; elastic cone;
 弹性炸药 elastic explosive;
 弹性藻沥青 coorongite;
 弹性藻煤 coorongite;
 弹性张量 elasticity tensor;
 弹性针布 fillet clothing;
 弹性针织 stretch knit;
 弹性振动 elastic vibration;
 弹性支座 elastic support;
 弹性滞后 elastic hysteresis;
 弹性轴承 elastic bearing; elastically supported bearing;
 弹性注油器 squirt can;
 弹性砖片 tile;
 弹性桩 elastic pile;
 弹性阻尼 elastic damping;
 弹性织物 elasticized fabric; elastic webbing; stretch woven fabric;
 弹性纸 extensible paper;
 弹性组织变性 elastosis;
 弹性组织离解 elastolysis;
 弹性组织粘蛋白 elastomucin;
 弹性组织破裂 elastorrhexis;
 弹性组织缺乏病 elastopathy




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