

字词 张牙舞爪
释义 张牙舞爪
 zhāng yá wǔ zhǎo
 (形容猛兽或恶人的凶相) bare fangs and brandish claws -- make threatening gestures; bare one's fangs and open one's claws; bare one's teeth and show one's claws; be fierce-looking; be ferocious-looking; bully with false power and influence; display one's teeth and brandish one's paws; engage in sabre-rattling; ferociously to bare its fangs; flare up in a fighting mood; indulge in sabre-rattling; open its fangs and spread its claws; prowl fiercely (arrogantly); put on a fierce look; put out a claw; show one's fangs and claws; show one's teeth; snapping and clawing; snarl and bare one's claws; throw one's weight around with overweening arrogance; with teeth bared and claws outspread; ramp:
  一只恶狗张牙舞爪猛地朝他扑来, 撕破了他的上衣。 A wild cur flung itself at him with bared fangs and slashed a rent in his overcoat.




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