

 (方) (小巷; 胡同) lane; alley; alleyway:
  里弄 lanes and alleys; neighbourhood
 另见 nòng。
 (做; 搞; 干) do; manage; handle; fetch; get sb. or sth. into a specified condition:
  弄个水落石出 get to the bottom of the matter;
  别把孩子弄哭了。 Don't make the child cry.
  弄得不好, 就会全功尽弃。 If we don't do a good job now, all the work we've done will be wasted.
  他把衣服弄脏了。 He got his clothes dirty.
  他这一说反把我弄糊涂了。 His explanation only made me feel more puzzled than ever.
  有些问题还需要弄清楚。 Certain questions have yet to be clarified.
  这台收音机有点儿毛病, 我总弄不好。 There is something wrong with the radio, and I can't get it right.
 (设法取得) get; fetch:
  你去弄点水来。 Go and get some water.
  这么好的酒, 你从哪儿弄来的? The wine is really good. Where did you get it?
 (玩; 摆弄) play with; fool with:
  别瞎弄那支枪。 Don't fool with that gun.
  小孩爱弄水。 Children like to play with water.
 (玩弄; 耍弄) play:
  弄手段 play tricks
 另见 lòng。




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