

字词 开花
释义 开花
 kāi huā
 (花蕾开放; 比喻心里高兴或脸露笑容) flower; bloom; blossom; be in flower; come into flower:
  心里乐开了花 burst with joy; feel elated;
  樱桃树开始开花了。 The cherry-trees began to put forth their blossoms.
  今年李子树不开花。 There is no blossom this year on the plum trees.
 (裂开; 炸开) explode:
  手榴弹在敌人头上开花。 The hand-grenade exploded right over the enemy.
 开花弹 bullet; fragmentation bomb;
 开花灯心草 flowering rush;
 开花阶段 flowering phase;
 开花期 anthesis; blowth; inflorescence; bloom; blooming period; efflorescence; {植} florescene;
 开花受粉 chasmogamous;
 开花受精 chasmogamy;
 开花诱导 flower induction;
 开花炸弹 scatter-bomb;
 开花植物 bloomer;
 开花状态 bloom; flowerage




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