

字词 开小差
释义 开小差
 kāi xiǎo chāi
 (当逃兵, 临阵脱逃) sneak off; desert; desert one's post; skulk (slink) away; decamp; AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave):
  开小差的士兵 an AWOL soldier;
  集体开小差 be deserted in a body;
  他开小差逃离他所在的团。 He deserted from his regiment.
 (思想、意念不集中) be absent-minded:
  他夜里睡不好, 白天上课时思想开小差。 He slept badly at night and couldn't concentrate in class at daytime.
  工作时思想不能开小差。 Don't let your mind wander (be woolgathering) while working.




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