

字词 废除
释义 废除
 fèi chú
 abolish; abrogate; annul; annihilate; repeal:
  废除烦琐的礼节 do away with tedious formalities;
  废除一切陈规 annul all outdated rules; cancel all outdated rules;
  废除领导职务终身制 abolish the system of life-long tenure in leading post;
  废除不平等条约 abrogate unequal treaties;
  废除不合理的规章制度 do away with unreasonable rules and regulations;
  立法机关废除了不得人心的租借法案。 The legislature repealed the unpopular Rent Act.
 废除令 abatement order;
 废除债务 abatement of debts




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