

字词 底层
释义 底层
 dǐ céng
 (一楼)(英) ground floor; (美) first floor
 (地下室) basement
 (社会最低阶层) bottom; the lowest rung:
  在社会的最底层 at the bottom of society
  undercourse (垫层); base course (基层); subcoat (基础涂层); substratum (基层; 胶层); sublayer (层流底层)
 底层传播探鱼仪 bottom spread echo sounder;
 底层地板 {建} subfloor;
 底层定置刺网 bottom-set gillnet;
 底层定置网 bottom-set;
 底层发酵 {食} bottom fermentation;
 底层浮游生物采样器 bottom-plankton sampler;
 底层(封底)焊条 uramami welding electrode;
 底层继电器 floor relay;
 底层金属 underlying metal;
 底层加固束带 undergirth;
 底层酵母 bottom yeast;
 底层(基础)结构 fabric;
 底层流 bottom current;
 底层炉料 hearth layer;
 底层抛光 first polish;
 底层培养 deep culture;
 底层平面图 ground floor plan;
 底层漆 prime paint (coat); priming;
 底层水 {海} bottom water;
 底层水温 bottom water temperature;
 底层涂料 subbing;
 底层土 underearth; substratum;
 底层养殖 bottom culture;
 底层油漆 roughstuff;
 底层鱼类 demersal fishes;
 底层渔业 demersal fishery




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