

字词 库存
释义 库存
 kù cún
 stock; reserve; repertory; {数} inventory:
  库存充足 keep a large stock of goods;
  库存物资 goods kept in stock; stockpiled materials; reserve of materials;
  商品库存 commodity stocks;
  清点库存 take stock; check a stock;
  库存已几乎卖完。 The stock is nearly exhausted.
  这家商店库存大批货物, 供冬季销售。 The store keeps a large stock of goods for winter sale.
 库存产品 inventory; stock;
 库存程序 {自} library routine;
 库存单 stores list;
 库存量 storage; inventory;
 库存论 inventory theory;
 库存平衡表 balance-of-stores sheet;
 库存模型 inventory model;
 库存软件 {自} library software;
 库存商品总值 total value of commodities in stock;
 库存物 oddment;
 库存系统 inventory system;
 库存现金 value-cash; cash in (on) hand;
 库存销售比率 inventory-sales ratio;
 库存协调 stock coordination;
 库存债券 treasury bonds;
 库存指标 {航空} stockage objective;
 库存资料 holdings;
 库存子程序 library subroutine




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